RNA – In an interview with Rasa News Agency, Ayatollah Abbas Ka’bi, the representative of Khuzestan in Iran’s Assembly of Experts, emphasized on the efforts by officials to boost production and employment and added that in the past few years, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei, has emphasized the Resistance Economy.
The member of the Society of Seminary Teachers of Qom said that last year, the Supreme Leader gave the year the slogan “Resistance Economy: Action and Implementation” and raised ten special advantages of the Resistance Economy and this year, he highlighted two of these ten special advantages which have a key role in the realization of the Resistance Economy.
He said that the Leader is trying to solve the actual problems of the people and to rid the country of recession and inflation and to create an economic boom and prosperity and move along the path of progress and justice.
“The Supreme Leader considers the core of this revolutionary movement as breaking the deadlock in the problems faced by the people through the realization of domestic production and the creation of employment,” he said, adding “This is a very precise and pertinent statement.”
Ayatollah Ka’bi added that the demand of the Leader for the realization of the slogan of the year demands that the government must be competent, efficient, proficient, rely on the capacities of the people, protect its revolutionary and jihadi spirit and focus on solving problems rather than marginalizing them.
In regard to Iran’s May 19th presidential elections, His Eminence noted that the correct choice by the people can be very effective and added, “Some individuals speak against the Resistance Economy in the election campaign, marginalize production and employment, make inflammatory statements and make polarizing, false, imaginary and fruitless claims.”
The representative of the people of Khuzestan in the Assembly of Experts said the line of the Leader and the demands of the people should be the focus of all officials, stakeholders and experts and they should provide practical solutions to increase production, create employment and entrepreneurship and they must also take action in regard to activating the economy, creating jobs and transforming the banking sector.
Ayatollah Ka’bi emphasized that the presidential candidates must abstain from engaging in demagoguery, making false promises and inflammatory statements and instead, they should serve the nation. “They shouldn’t void their campaign by serving the enemies of Iran’s Islamic system of government and Islamic Revolution and people,” he added.
In conclusion, he added that some of the candidates and politicians want to exploit the inflammatory atmosphere by taking advantage of the elections but the faithful and revolutionary forces must focus on solving the problems of the deprived people and serving the good and noble people of Iran.