RNA – Speaking at Hamadan’s Farhangian Mosque, Hujjat al-Islam Sayyed Jalal Razavi-Mehr, the vice-president of the Chamber of Deputies of the Islamic Seminary of Qom, referred to the position of Ma’bath in human history, and said, “Maba’th is one of the unrepeatable events in the history of creation.”
Maba’th marks the day of the public announcement of the Prophet Muhammad’s prophetic mission.
The teacher in the Islamic Seminary of Hamadan added, “God Almighty’s sending of prophets and the book [Quran] is a demonstration of His infinite love, boundless blessings and an explanation of the ‘principle of divine grace’ on His servants.”
He said that that Maba’th has had a decisive role in guiding humanity and added, “Muhammad is the messenger of mercy and the holder of all human perfection and always smiling face demonstrated the greatness of the Lord during the Era of Ignorance.”
Hujjat al-Islam Razavi-Mehr said, “We must understand that the interpretation of goodness, the explanation of the distinguishing characteristics of humanity and the embodiment of dignity is encapsulated in the good character of the Muhammad.”
His Eminence explained that today the Cave of Hira is not just limited to a mountain in Makkah but rather, today the ears of all of mankind hear the voice of revelation of the Prophet Muhammad. “This is the greatest remaining revolution in the world of creation,” he added.
He said the day of Maba’th is the day that the Quran was gifted to all members of society and is the day of peace, friendship, brotherhood, unity solidarity and the day of war against ignorance, darkness and arrogance.
Hujjat al-Islam Razavi-Mehr added that the mission of the Prophet Muhammad never endorses an iota of the foolish actions of the House of Saud but rather Maba’th is the foremost enemy of the rulers of the Arab countries.
The member of the executive committee of the Association of Representatives of Seminary Students explained that we must understand that the great and glorious Iranian Islamic Revolution is rooted in Maba’th and is embodied in the awaited Imam al-Mahdi and today all people acknowledge his insight and knowledge.
He stressed that Eid al-Maba’th is the day which commemorates all the divine prophets and added, “The efforts of the arrogant powers to belittle the grandeur of the prophets and their use of mercenary clergymen but the greatness of the prophets is like the rays of the sun which emanate from the grace of God.”
Hujjat al-Islam Razavi-Mehr said the day of Maba’th is the best time to revisit the mission of the prophets and added that the Quran has explained today’s social issues among humankind and the honour of all people is the consideration the Quran as the criterion of judgement.
“Soon we will witness the primacy of the Quran in the world and on this day, we will congratulate all Islamic denominations,” he said.