RNA – In a statement to mark the anniversary of the Isra and Mi’raj, the day celebrating the Prophet Muhammad’s Night Journey, Ayatollah Abdul-Amir Qablan, the vice-president of the Supreme Islamic Shi’ite Council of Lebanon, wrote that the anniversary of the Isra and Mi’raj is the day connecting heaven and earth and the miracle of the centuries and eras and the day of the dignity of the Prophet Muhammad.
“Our duty is to adhere to the invitation of the Prophet, which is based on adherence to his values, principles and lifestyle in our interactions with the people,” he noted.
The Lebanese scholar added that the Prophet Muhammad’s isra or night journey from the Sacred Mosque to the al-Aqsa Mosque, has clear proofs on the reverence of these two mosques, saying, “Today, these two mosques have been targeted by Zionist and Takfiri terrorists and we must defend these mosques against the corrupt and unjust.”
Ayatollah Qablan pointed out that Jerusalem and Palestine are under the control of the Zionists and added that all mosques, churches and people are in the crosshairs of Takfiri terrorism. This terrorism doesn’t show any sort of mercy – even toward trees.
“Terrorism has become an international cancer that must be eradicated by all of humanity,” he said.
His Eminence said the people must stop the bloodshed in Syria and Yemen, observe justice in regard to the rights of the people of Bahrain and seek a peaceful resolution to strengthen the security and stability in our communities and not allow the enemies’ plots to divide Muslim countries and establish new colonies in the region to be realized.
Ayatollah Qablan warned of the dangers facing the Palestinian people and stressed that the Zionist enemies don’t accept that there is any difference between the Palestinians and others and noted that the Zionists’ prisons and torture chambers are full of Palestinian prisoners, including women and children.
He said that the response to the crimes of the Zionists is to strengthen relations between Muslims and Christians, to unite to save the Palestinians from occupation and to establish a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.
The vice-president of the Supreme Islamic Shi’ite Council of Lebanon called for the adoption of a new electoral law in Lebanon which is based on proportional representation, saying, “We want a law which strengthens common living and a government which demonstrates justice and equality.”
Ayatollah Qablan praised the military operation against the Takfiri terrorists in the region of Arsal and said, “Lebanon in the crosshairs of the Takfiri and Zionist terrorists and we salute the commanders, the army and the Resistance due to their defence of the security and stability of the country.”