RNA – Speaking at the Holy Shrine of Imam al-Ridha in Mashhad, Ayatollah Sayyed Ahmad Khatami, said that the enemies of the Islamic Republic of Iran dream of interfering in the country’s May 19, 2017 presidential election and noted, “A few days ago, the media reported that American President Donald Trump met with his advisors, who want do create sedition during these upcoming elections like that which occurred in the aftermath of the 2009 elections.”
He added, “Due to the grace of God Almighty, the Iranian nation sent their dreams to the graves.”
Tehran’s interim Friday Prayer leader said that this sedition is not considered finished and those who fought against this sedition are believers and if the believers weren’t present in the protests which occurred on the 9th of Dey (December 30, 2009), we couldn’t understand what damage they could have inflicted on this country.
Ayatollah Khatami said that some consider the sinners as representing their team and added, “Sins don’t only have individual but also have social, economic and political aspects as well. Just as the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution [Ayatollah Khamenei] said, ‘sedition is our red line,’ the sedition of 2009, which intended to overthrow Iran’s Islamic government, was a form of political sedition.”
The senior Iranian cleric added that another aspect of the abuse of the situation is that the people aren’t present in key areas, one of these key and crucial areas is the upcoming elections and the people should actively participate in these elections.
“With their presence, the people will demonstrate their commitment to the Islamic system,” he added.
Ayatollah Khatami said that the Supreme Leader said that in every election, his vote is with the people and noted, “He is always on the side of the people and has protected their vote.”
The senior official added, “Thus, if we don’t want to face a bad situation, we must be active and participate in the twelfth administration and the election of the most suitable president must be the foremost priority the people.”
His Eminence said experience has shown us that over the past 38 years, wherever the president has precisely followed the system of wilayah, the country had advanced and wherever the president has been weak, the people have suffered.
He said that people must elect a directorial and resourceful president in order to solve problems in the country and added, “Today, we’re facing malicious enemies who want to loot our country. Today our demand is for a president who will stand up against the insults by the US government against our people and give them a firm slap.”
In regard to the Resistance Economy, Ayatollah Khatami explained that the basic condition is that domestic manufacturers must manufacture high quality products and noted, “The Supreme Leader said that the common culture must promote domestic production over foreign production and in this regard, we mustn’t treat ‘domestic production’ as a slogan but rather everyone’s priority should be domestic production.”