RNA – In a meeting with the Deputy Minister of Education and Training, the Friday prayer leader of Qeshm and a group of Sunni scholars from Qeshm, Grand Ayatollah Nouri-Hamadani stressed that unity is considered an important principle in Islam and said, “Thank God that the due to the blessings of the Islamic Revolution, unity dominates in Iran.”
The revered source of emulation said that pure Muhammadan Islam, the people and Wilayat al-Faqih are the pillars of the Islamic Revolution. “For more than thirteen centuries, Islam was marginalized but Imam Khomeini brought pure Muhammadan Islam into the lives of the people once again and awakened the oppressed people. As long as the people support the Islamic Revolution, it can thrive and progress.”
Ayatollah Nouri-Hamadani added that Islam doesn’t accept the concept of monarchy and such a system was created by Mu’awiyah and the Umayyad palace-dwellers in order to rule over the oppressed people and added, “The Islamic state, the Prophet Muhammad and his successors are the infallible leaders over the people in terms of piety, justice, prudence, management and courage in opposition to the enemies of Islam at highest order in the same way that the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution [Ayatollah Khamenei] stands with authority against the enemies.”
He explained that the Islamic Revolution created the spirit of self-confidence in the people and added that before the 1979 Islamic Revolution, the people considered themselves weak in front of the imperialist powers and the West but by unveiling the true face of the imperialists, Imam Khomeini showed their true face to the people.
His Eminence said the entrance of the youth and women into politics and culture as well as the role of the youth in the field of nuclear energy are among the achievements of the Islamic Revolution. “The youth were encouraged and given the opportunity by the late Imam Khomeini and Ayatollah Khamenei to engage this important field,” he noted.
Ayatollah Nouri-Hamadani stressed that unity between Sunni and Shi’ahs is important because the enemies are striving hard to create discord among Muslims and in this manner, they seek to damage Islam but through religious awakening and understanding of Islam the enemies will not be able to damage the fruits of the Revolution.
“The enemies of Islam, including the United States and the United Kingdom, created Israel in order to have a base in Islamic society,” he said.
In conclusion, he said, “The Islamic Revolution is a process which has frustrated all of the imperialist powers and this will continue until the reappearance of Imam al-Mahdi. Thus, we must appreciate that the security and power that has been achieved by Iran and realize that this is due to the Islamic Revolution and we must also realize that there is no difference between Sunnis and Shi’ahs and everyone must strive to maintain this system.”