RNA – Speaking on the occasion of the sixth anniversary of the Bahraini Revolution at Qom’s Imam Khomeini Specialized School, Hujjat al-Islam Mu’in Daqqiq al-Amili said that the similarites between the 38th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, the ninth anniversary of the martyrdom of Hezbollah commander Imad Mughniyeh and the sixth anniversary of the Bahraini Revolution is because blood of Imam Husayn mixed with the blood of the martyrs throughout the world.
Hezbollah’s representative in Qom stressed that most of the revolutionary people of Bahrain have risen up against the oppressive and ruthless Al Khalifah regime and added that he offers glad tidings to the oppressed people of Bahrain because the honour of history is written with the blood of those who left their studies to protest in the streets and the cries from the prisons of the Al Khalifah regime.
He said before our eyes today, there are two experiences – the first of which was the experience of the late Imam Khomeini, who astonished the world with his revolution because based on all material criteria, this victory cannot be understood.
Hujjat al-Islam al-Amili stated that when revolutions are victorious, we usually witness economic tensions and the weakening of the internal situation of a country, but with a loud cry, Imam Khomeini explained that the Islamic Revolution is not dedicated to the Iranian nation alone, but to all the oppressed people of the world.
He added that immediately after the Islamic Revolution, the Zionist regime’s embassy in Tehran was shut down and the Palestinian flag was raised over it. “This revolution never fell to pressure and deception and we should learn from these experiences,” he noted.
His Eminence stated the second experience was that of the Lebanese Islamic Resistance group Hezbollah, whose hardships were ended due to its wise leadership and was able to spread its influence among all the people of Lebanon to such an extent that no country can distance Hezbollah from the natural life of the people.
Hujjat al-Islam al-Amili said these issues should be implemented in such a way that every home in Bahrain is transformed into a revolutionary household and added, “The Bahraini Revolution isn’t just a Shi’ah revolution but rather it belongs to all the people of this country.”
The teacher in the Islamic Seminary said a revolution is usually achieved through the elites of the country but the teachings of Islam stress that the elites should explain their practical thought and strategies to the people. “They shouldn’t take their thought and strategies from the East and West but rather they must take them from scholars and mujtahids with insight,” he said.
Hujjat al-Islam al-Amili added that relying on the disbelievers instead of trusting in Muslims is a sign of the collapse of a dictatorship and these symptoms can be seen in Bahrain, saying, “The killing of children and women are signs of the fall of a dictatorship and other symptoms include the distortion of the truth.”