RNA – In an interview with the media, Hujjat al-Islam Ahmad Farakfaal, after congratulating all on the victory of the Islamic Revolution said, “Showing thanks for the Islamic Revolution and the movement of Imam Khomeini requires firmness and resoluteness and denying such a blessing will be the cause of severe punishment [in the Hereafter].”
The head of the Islamic Seminary of the province of Qom said, “We must show and introduce Islam, Shi’ism and the revolution in a fitting way and with proper planning to the world, and by respecting the revolutions pillars such as Imam, the Supreme Leader and the sources of emulation, know the revolutions greatness and continue on the path of our dear martyrs.”
Hujjat al-Islam Farakfaal then stated, “Not fearing the tricks on the enemies, as well as depending upon the eternal might of God are other ways to sustain the path of the Islamic Revolution. As God says in the Holy Quran, ‘How often, by the command of God has a small group defeated a much large group!’” (Surah al-Baqarah: 249).
His Eminence said, “Today our enemies are priding themselves on a mirage of power and we must not become inattentive to the rich teachings of God, but we must, with full trust in God, defend all avenues of Islam and the Revolution.”
Hujjat al-Islam Farakfaal concluded by emphasizing, “We must know and be aware of the teachings of religion and that pure Islam, the Islam of the Ahlul-Bayt, in such a way that it creates a society and Ummah ready for the reappearance of God’s final light on earth, Imam al-Mahdi.”