RNA – A group of soldiers from Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Forces have met with Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Muhammad-Said al-Hakim, one of Iraq’s senior sources of emulation, and benefited from his guidance.
Iraqi army soldiers, supported by fighters from allied Popular Mobilization Forces and Kurdish Peshmerga forces, launched a joint operation on October 17 to retake Mosul from Daesh terrorists.
The prominent Iraqi Shi’ah cleric urged the Popular Mobilization Forces to act based on the ethics taught by the Ahlul-Bayt and safeguard the people’s property and honour. Each of them is a worthy representative for the Ahlul-Bayt as they establish their prayers at the beginning of their appointed time and adhere to religious laws.
“They must be careful not to become caught up in the enemies plots and must know that God Almighty respects and loves all Muslims,” he stressed.
Ayatollah al-Hakim stated that our war against terrorism is to defend the faith and therefore, our behaviour and must cause us to defend our faith and strengthen it, saying, “We must not do anything which is contrary to our faith and our beliefs because the Popular Mobilization Forces are fighting on the path of faith.”
He added, “Therefore, they must be pure on this faith and keep themselves away from impurities and corruption and remember the words of Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq, who said, ‘Oh Shi’ahs! Be the means of our beauty and do not be the means of malice for us and tell the people of our good word.’”
Ayatollah al-Hakim called on the Popular Mobilization Forces not to neglect carrying out their duties because Imam Ali was always careful to establish prayer at the beginning of the time specified for prayer, even in the heat of battle.
His Eminence noted that Imam Ali was so careful to the extent that some of his companions were surprised and the Commander of the Faithful said in this regard, “We are not fight to gain power or to rule but rather we are fighting to uphold prayer. For this reason, we must also establish our prayers on time and at the same time watch out for your enemies.”