RNA – In a meeting with the president, deputies and members of the Board of Culture of the Nuclear Region of Esfahan, Ayatollah Sayyed Yousef Tabatabaeinejad said that the JCPOA may physically prevent us from engaging in activities in the field of nuclear technology, but from a scientific basis, we shouldn’t be appeased.
“We shouldn’t allow the implementation of JCPOA to restrict us in the production of nuclear technology and the deal shouldn’t have an effect on our scientists from preparation in the academic fields,” he explained.
The Supreme Leader’s representative in Esfahan province stressed that Iran will never surrender to the enemies and an example of this can be seen in the Iran-Iraq War, saying, “At the beginning of the war, many political efforts were made by the [Iranian] authorities, including complaints to the United Nations, to stop the war but these complaints weren’t heeded to but after the liberation of Khorramshahr and defeat of the Ba’athists and when the enemies saw that we could even take Basrah, they raised the issue of peace.”
Ayatollah Tabatabaeinejad explained that the West didn’t want to negotiate with us but when Iran was able to produce 20% enriched uranium and they saw the capabilities of Iranian scientists, they were forced to come to the negotiating table.
He said that our enemies will never work in our favour and if our country’s officials don’t understand this concept, it is clear that they haven’t understood the Quran and added, “On the other hand the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution [Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei] said that ‘the West isn’t opposed to us because of our nuclear activities but rather they are opposed to our religion.’”
The senior Iranian cleric stressed, “The nuclear issue and the missile issue is just an excuse to put pressure on Iran.”
Ayatollah Tabatabaeinejad said that the Quran explicitly states the enemies never want any good for Muslims and currently, we see that our enemies are pleased that Muslims are killing each other and that Shi’ahs are being killed in various parts of the world.
His Eminence noted, “The Holy Quran says ‘your enemies will never be pleased with you until you follow their religion.’”
In conclusion, the Friday prayer leader of Esfahan said that the policies of Iran’s Islamic system are based on policies established by the Quran and added, “Our strength must be in such a way that the enemies are afraid of us and the Quran says if we have patience and piety, the enemies cannot harm us.”