Ayatollah Khamenei:
US election results make no difference to Iran
RNA – “We make no judgement about this (recent United States) election, because the US has remained the same, and over the past 37 years, each of the two parties (Democrats and Republicans) being in charge (of the White House) has done no favour to Iran, but rather their evil acts have constantly targeted the Iranian nation,” the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei, said in Tehran on Wednesday, in an address to a gathering of people from the central province of Isfahan.
Unlike certain countries in the world that either rejoice at the outcome of the US presidential election or moan about it, Iran is indifferent to it, the Leader said, adding, “We do not feel any concern either, and by God’s grace, we are also ready to face any eventuality.”
Ayatollah Khamenei further called on those attracted to the US to review what the US presidential candidates have revealed in the course of the election campaign, which mirror the realities and problems of the American society.
The people who are fascinated by the fictitious image of the US had better realize the meaning of comments by the US president – elect, who said during the campaign that the cost of US wars in recent years could have been used for rebuilding the country two times.
“In recent years, the US (government) has spent the money of that country’s people on dishonorable wars that resulted in the massacre of tens of thousands of civilians and destruction of infrastructures in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen,” Ayatollah Khamenei stated.
Donald Trump, who won a stunning victory in the US presidential election on November 8, said at a rally in October, “The people opposing us are the same people – and think of this – who have wasted $6 trillion on wars in the Middle East – we could have rebuilt our country twice – that have produced only more terrorism, more death, and more suffering – imagine if that money had been spent at home."
Iran’s President Hasan Rouhani has also rejected any change in the country’s policies in the wake of election of Trump as the next US president, saying Iran’s dignity and independence stem from the fact that its policies are based only upon “people’s will and determination” and won’t change with changes in the foreign administrations.