RNA – In his Friday prayer sermon to a large and fervent crowd of believers in Haret Hrayk’s Imamayn al-Hasanayn Mosque, Hujjat al-Islam Sayyid Ali Fadhlullah referred to the election of Michel Aoun as the president of Lebanon and said, “This election will can lead to stability and bring Lebanon out of a dark tunnel and prevent the country from heading toward an abyss. The number of votes obtained at the polls in the election and satisfaction of the people will lead to peace in society.”
The Lebanese scholar added that satisfaction has been seen in the eyes of the people of Lebanon and that they have lofty expectations. “The Lebanese people have closed the dark pages of history and an era of corruption, political and religious quotas and indifference toward the suffering of the people in the country,” he said.
Hujjat al-Islam Fadhlullah said the new government’s priorities include providing the basic needs of people including health, water, electricity, improving the peoples’ livelihoods, approving a new election law which is accordance with the right to representation and standing against the dangers of external terrorism and the Zionist regime.
His Eminence referred to the anniversary of the Balfour Declaration and stated that in 1917, Arthur Balfour, the British Foreign Secretary announced the approval by British government for the establishment of a “national home” for the Jewish people in Palestine.
“The United Kingdom confirmed the right for the establishment of a Jewish state while neither this country nor the Zionist regime had this right,” he said.
He added that the regime occupying Palestine was able to become a member of the United Nations in 1949 and since then has engaged in continuous crimes against the Palestinian people and despite this, enjoys universal support. “The Balfour Declaration is stain on the forehead of the UK and all countries which recognize the Zionist regime,” he stressed.
Beirut’s Friday prayer leader stressed that the moral, legal and human moral responsibility of the supporters of the Zionist regime is that in addition to apologizing to the Palestinian people, is to give the right to return to its owners and arrange for Palestinians refugees to the return to their homes.
Hujjat al-Islam Fadhlullah criticized the efforts of certain Arab countries to improve relations with the Zionist regime and noted that a few weeks ago, Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of the Zionist regime, announced that most of the Arab countries have become allies with the regime and do not consider the Zionist regime as an enemy.