RNA – In an interview with Rasa News Agency, Ayatollah Sayyed Ahmad Khatami, a member of the board of the Assembly of Experts, referred to the anniversary of the takeover of the American embassy in Tehran on November 4, 1979 and emphasized the necessity of continuing the fight against the imperialist powers and to explain the reasons for the imperialism of the United States.
The member of the Supreme Council of Islamic Seminaries said that the Holy Quran introduces Pharaoh as a symbol of the imperialist rulers and said that all the features which the Quran explains in regard to Pharaoh are applicable to the imperialist government of the US and its allies, including the United Kingdom. The US sees itself as great and seeks to create dissension among the nations of the world.
He explained that the imperialist leaders are murders and added, “The illegitimate child of the US and the UK is the Zionist regime.”
Ayatollah Khatami criticized those who claim that era of the slogan “Death to America” was in the past and that Iran’s problems are due to its anti-imperialist stance and added that according to the Quran, such a view is considered an insult and weakens morale.
His Eminence stated that compromise, weakness and retreat have always been followed by humiliation and added that during the past 37 years since the victory of the Islamic Revolution, the many blessings and benefits that Iran’s has achieved have been due to its resistance and not from negotiations and compromise.
He added that liberals always call for negotiations and compromise.
Ayatollah Khatami said that during the 67 years of Israel’s occupation of Palestine, Israel has had many meetings and discussions but these did not benefit them but what provided the Palestinians with honour was their uprisings against the Zionist regime. “Experience demonstrates that resistance leads to honour,” he added.
The member of the Society of Seminary Teachers of Qom said that the signing of the JCPOA has not decreased the hostility of the US towards the Iranian nation and the Islamic Revolution and added that in recent weeks we have seen that the two American presidential candidates both stand against the Islamic Republic of Iran.
“It is clear that the stance of the imperialist powers, especially the US, is that as long as Iran adheres to its principles of anti-imperialism, they will not end their evil plots against Iran and the only way is the path of resistance,” he stressed.