30 August 2016 - 10:10
News ID: 422954
Ayatollah al-Nabulsi in meeting with Shaykh al-Jabri:
Rasa – A senior Lebanese Shi’a cleric has said that due to the spread of the Takfiri ideology, Muslims have been encouraged to engage in murder, aggression, violence and extremism against each other and we are facing a very difficult situation.
Ayatollah al-Nabulsi in meeting with Shaykh al-Jabri

RNA – “Due to the spread of the Takfiri ideology, Muslims have been encouraged to engage in murder, aggression, violence and extremist activities against each other and we are facing a very difficult situation,” Ayatollah al-Nablusi said.


The Friday prayer leader of Sidon and the secretary-general of Lebanon’s National Movement made the remarks during a meeting with Shaykh Abdul-Nasir al-Jabri, a Lebanese Sunni cleric, and a delegation of Iranian and Indonesian students.


The Lebanese Shi’a scholar said through original Islamic jurisprudence, we can combat the Takfiris and extremists, as well as the soft war which has been launched by the United States against the Islamic world.


Ayatollah al-Nabulsi explained that an essential part of the continuing crisis in the region is due to deviation from the Islamic values of tolerance and moving away from the logic of dialogue, reason and wisdom. “In order to solve this problem we must not resort to the logic of coercion and compulsion in faith, ethics and relationships because the use of force and violence cannot transform the hypocrites into believers.”


During the meeting, Shaykh al-Jabri warned that countries like Saudi Arabia, Turkey and some Gulf countries that "are allied with the US must know that the US never wants any good for the Islamic world but rather, they use them for their own means and interests and as tools and to attack and divide the countries of the Arab and Islamic world, just as they have already done to number of countries in the Middle East."


The Sunni scholar added that what is happening in some countries, such as Syria, Bahrain, Iraq, Libya and even Pakistan, is a preparation for a dangerous conspiracy against all Islamic countries planned by the US and Israel by using so-called Islamic groups, whether Takfiri, Wahhabi, political groups or Masonic groups in order to protect the Zionist entity.







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