RNA – During his Friday prayer sermon delivered to a large and fervent crowd of believers in Qom’s Qods Prayer Hall, Ayatollah Sayyed Mohammad Sa’idi said that while Iranians celebrate the current week as “Hajj Week,” Iranian pilgrims are deprived from performing the divinely-ordained pilgrimage to the House of God due to the sabotage of the aggressive Saudi government, which has killed thousands of children and allied itself with the Zionists.
“Instead of serving Muslims and the Two Holy Shrines of Makkah and Madinah, Saudi Arabia has attacked the Muslim country of Yemen where it has killed innocent women and children and banned [Iranian] pilgrims from visiting the Sacred House of God [Ka’bah],” he said.
Qom’s Friday prayer leader explained that Saudis are plotting against Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq by fostering Takfiri terrorism in these countries. They have also allied themselves with the Zionists and Americans, who he noted are the most hostile people to the believers.
“We hope that God will eradicate the Wahhabis, who are traitors to the Two Holy Shrines and the creators of the Takfiri ideology and the ISIL terrorist group,” he said.
Ayatollah Sa’idi also stressed that Ayatollah Khamenei has noted that the only solution to solve Iran’s economic problems is to rely on the people and to take advantage of Iran’s domestic capabilities.
Noting the importance of the Resistance Economy, His Eminence emphasized: “When there are domestic products similar to foreign products available in the marketplace, the people shouldn’t purchase foreign products because this undermines the capabilities of the country.”