RNA – The Society of Seminary Teachers of Qom has issued a warning to the Al Khalifah regime of Bahrain stating, “We warn the entire puppet leaders of Al Khalifah and Al Saud that the current upheaval in the region will eventually result in the overthrow of the their regimes.”
The declaration came after increasing upheaval in the region which has led to the Al Khalifah regime stripping Ayatollah Isa Qasim of his citizenship. He is the leader of the Shi’a movement in Bahrain.
The statement is as follows:
In the Name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful
The Islamic world is recently seeing unrest and upheaval plots caused by the imperial powers of the world and by International Zionism. Such perilous plots are being carried out and supported by the imperial powers’ puppet regimes in the region.
The vicious attacks and cruel measures being carried out by the violent ISIL members. The massacre of Yemeni children led by the Saudi regime are just among a few examples of the manifest corruption and rebellion of this imperialistic government’s forces in the fight against the true Islam and the Islamic Awakening.
Yet, one thing must not be forgotten in the midst of these regional uprisings and that is the innocence of Bahraini citizens in the fight against the front of the oppressed.
Bahraini Muslims are currently objected to the tyranny of Al Khalifah. They are breaking their fast while suffering and crying to God for help and liberation. The regime even prohibits them from entering their mosques to perform Friday prayers.
Bahraini scholars and revolutionaries are being arrested. Public institutions are being shut down for no logical reason. However, what is surprising is the international community’s intentional silence towards this injustice and cruelty of the oppressor leaders in order to cover up their crimes.
The insolence and desecration by the Bahraini regime against Ayatollah Isa Qasim, the leader of Bahraini Shi’as, and stripping him of his own citizenship, arresting innocent Bahraini citizens with the support of Al Saud regime and the imperial powers of the world demonstrates the intensity of the oppression and suffocation of political voices in Bahrain.
Measures such as intensifying these pressures on Bahraini Muslims, forbidding them from performing their religious rituals and prayers in mosques, suppressing their civil rights and their legitimate demands which are being requested through legal processes goes to prove nothing else but the devastation of the puppet regime in Bahrain in the face of Bahrainis’ call for justice and fighting oppression.
It is a demand that will hopefully be realized by the will of God and Bahraini revolutionaries’ efforts.
The Society of Seminary Teachers of Qom strongly condemns the Al Khalifah’s harassment of Bahraini scholars as well as revolutionary figures, and expresses solidarity with Bahrainis’ endeavours in their fight against injustice.
We also ask all Muslims, Revolutionary personalities and public organizations to continue their support for the oppressed Bahrainis and do not let the Bahraini’s distress from being forgotten.
We also warn all the puppet leaders of Al Khalifah and Al Saud to be aware that these upheavals in the region will end in nothing but their regimes’ overthrow; Since Revolutionary Islam and Islamic resistance will eventually hold the flag of Islam’s glory and authority in the region.
Mohammad Yazdi
Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Society of Qom Seminary TeachersJune 21, 2016