RNA – Hujjat al-Islam Ali al-Kourani, a Lebanese Shi’a scholar and researcher in the field of Mahdism, told Rasa News that according to history experts and those who study issues related to Imam al-Mahdi, the Iranian Islamic Revolution is the prelude to the reappearance of Imam al-Mahdi because all of Shi’a and Sunni scholars believe that the first group which will provide the groundwork for the reappearance of Imam al-Mahdi will be the people of the east.
He noted that Wahhabis are well aware that the “Khorasani” mentioned in Islamic narrations will rise up to assist Imam al-Mahdi. For this reason, they have worked hard to distort this event, and even claim that the Khorasan refers to northern Afghanistan and the Khorasani refers to the Taliban and claim that the Saudis, ISIL and other Takfiri groups are those who will carry the black flag mentioned in Islamic narrations.
“All these efforts show that the Wahhabis seek to create distortion by creating sects and groups,” he said.
Hujjat al-Islam al-Kourani stated that Saudi Arabia was established as a puppet regime and mercenary of the Zionists by the United Kingdom and added that there are strong connections between Saudi Arabia and Israel which is evident in the manner that the the House of Saud and the Wahhabis deal with Shi’as and other Muslims.
“On the other hand, Zionism has crept into the House of Saud. Therefore, the relationship between the two countries are quite clear and obvious,” the cleric stressed.
He said that many meetings, conferences and practical measures have been established by Iran to achieve Islamic unity, but Wahhabis have always sought to destroy Islamic unity because it is a great danger to them. The House of Saud has pursued murder, killing, excommunication, dissension and divisiveness between Shi’as themselves and between Shi’as and Sunnis.
Hujjat al-Islam al-Kourani concluded, saying: “In order to deal with Hezbollah and to destroy the image of pure Muhammadan Islam, Shi’ism and the Islamic Resistance, Zionists have established terrorist groups which call themselves Muslims and have turned to spreading Islamophobia throughout the world.”