Question: What is Imam al-Kadhim’s proof for the prohibition of alcohol?
Concise answer:
The Abbasid caliph Muhammad, more famously known as Mahdi once came to Madinah to visit the grave of the Prophet, on this particular visit he went to visit Imam al-Kadhim to test his knowledge. He decided to do this through asking the Imam about the prohibition of alcohol in the Quran. He explained to the Imam that most people understand that the Quran has asked people to stay away from alcohol, however they do not understand this as being a prohibition, thereafter asking ‘has alcohol been prohibited in the Quran?’
Detailed answer:
The Abbasid caliph Muhammad, more famously known as Mahdi once came to Madinah to visit the grave of the Prophet, on this particular visit he went to visit Imam al-Kadhim to test his knowledge. He decided to do this through asking the Imam about the prohibition of alcohol in the Quran. He explained to the Imam that most people understand that the Quran has asked people to stay away from alcohol, however they do not understand this as being a prohibition, thereafter asking ‘has alcohol been prohibited in the Quran?’
The Imam replied in the affirmative, saying ‘Yes, alcohol has been clearly prohibited in the Quran.”
Mahdi then asked ‘where in the Quran?’
The Imam responded with the verse in which God addresses the Prophet saying “Say, ‘My Lord has only forbidden indecencies, the outward among them and the inward ones, and sin and undue aggression....” [1]
The Imam finished reciting the verse and then went on to explain it. He told Mahdi that the term ‘ithm’ in this verse which has been prohibited is referring to alcohol because God has said elsewhere in another verse “They ask you concerning wine and gambling. Say, ‘There is a great sin in both of them, and some benefits for the people, but their sinfulness is greater than their benefit.’” [2]
He continued, elaborating that ‘ithm’ has clearly been introduced as something prohibited in Surah al-Araf, and in surah al-Baqarah, this term has been used to mean alcohol and gambling, therefore alcohol has clearly been prohibited in the Quran.
Mahdi was so impressed by the Imams reply that he turned to Ali ibn Yaqtin, who was present in the gathering, and said “By God, this verdict was the verdict of a Hashimi!” Ali ibn Yaqtin in reply said “All praise is to God who has placed this knowledge in the family of the Prophet.” [3]
Ali ibn Yaqtin’s answer upset Mahdi, however he controlled his temper and replied “you speak the truth Oh Rafidhi.” [4,5]
1. حَرّمَ رَبّىَ الهفَواحِشَ ما ظَهَرَ مِنهها وَما بَطَنَ و الهاًّثمَ وَالهبَغهىَ بِغَيهرِ الحَقّ...
Quran (Surah 7: Ayah 33) – Translated by Ali Quli-Qarai
2. يَسهئَلُونَكَ عَنِ الهخَمهرِ وَ الهمَيهسِر قُله فيهِما اِثهمٌ كَبيرٌ وَ مَنافِعُ لِلنّاسِ وَ اِئهمُهُا اَكبَرُ مِنه نَفهعِهِما...
Quran (Surah 2: Verse 219)
3. Kulayni, Furu’ min al-Kafi, Tehran, Dar al-Kitab al-Islamiyyah. volume 6, page 406 4. Kulayni, Furu’ min al-Kafi, Tehran, Dar al-Kitab al-Islamiyyah. volume 6, page 406 5. Collected from the book: Sireh Pishvaiyan, Mehdi Pishvai, page 420