RNA – On June 1st, an academic conference entitled, “Imam Khomeyni’s School of Thought: The Civilization-Building School of Thought” was held in the presence of Hujjat al-Islam Dr. Abdolhoseyn Khosropanah, a professor of philosophy at the Research Institute for Islamic Culture and Thought, Hujjat al-Islam Mohammad Khajavi, the chairman of the Supreme Assembly of Elites of the Basij of Qom Province, and Hujjat al-Islam Ehsan Moradi, a professor of higher levels of the Islamic Seminaries, at the headquarters of Rasa News Agency in Qom.
At the beginning of the meeting, Hujjat al-Islam Mohammad Haeri-Shirazi, the secretary of the conference, said, “One of the reasons and pieces of evidence that show that Imam Khomeyni is a school of thought and not a person, is the commandments of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution [Ayatollah Khamenei]. In his speeches, he repeatedly emphasized the Imam Khomeyni’s school of thought. For example, on the twenty-second anniversary of Imam Khomeyni’s death, he said, “Imam’s school is a complete package, it is a collection, it has dimensions. These dimensions need to be seen together.”
Hujjat al-Islam Khosropanah described the characteristics of Imam Khomeyni’s school of thought and stated, “The late Imam was a jurist who brought together mysticism, logical proof and the Quran. Before the Imam, other jurists also raised the issue of wilayat al-faqih (guardianship of the jurisprudent), but the distinctive feature of Imam Khomeyni is the mystical view of this discussion such that it can be said that Imam Khomeyni’s interpretation of wilayat al-faqih al-mutlaqah (absolute guardianship of the jurisprudent) used his mystical outlook on the discussion of wilayat al-faqih. Another feature is the jurisprudence of government. That is to say, the approach of the government that Imam Khomeyni had throughout jurisprudence is one of the innovations and special schools of the Imam.”
His Eminence emphasized, “The term ‘wilayat al-faqih al-mutlaqah’ has not been mentioned in jurisprudential books at all, but other interpretations have been given, but the Imam has used the absolute interpretation of mysticism. This kind of view is a wise and mystical view of politics, human beings and social spheres. This is a new foundation that the Imam has in his school.”
He continued, “Another important feature in the school of thought of the late Imam is anti-arrogance. You cannot take this feature from the Imam and say that we are followers of the Imam’s school. Another feature is his approach to political jurisprudence. Imam Khomeyni believes that a jurist, apart from being a jurist, also has guardianship according to which he can forge a verdict. No other jurists have had this special view on wilayat al-faqih.”
Hujjat al-Islam Khosropanah referred to the characteristics of the civilizational view and the fight against degeneration in the school of Imam Khomeyni and said, “Imam Khomeyni repeatedly emphasized in his statements that the Muslim community must come out of degeneration. In his view, the most important factor in this decline is the decline of governments, and therefore he believed that there should be a strong Islamic government so that the Muslim community would emerge from decline. The result of this powerful government is Islamic civilization.”
Rasa News Agency