RNA – In an exclusive interview with Rasa News Agency, Ayatollah Sayyed Rahim Tavokkol, a member of the Assembly of Experts, referred to the early atmosphere of the Islamic Revolution said, “During the time of the sinister Pahlavi monarchy, corruption and depravity were dominant in all its dimensions in the society but when the aroma of the Islamic Revolution and the rule of the Holy Quran and the rule of religion came to the people, the cries all those who felt pain for their religion came out due to the corruption of that time. They were eager to establish the rule of religion and divine command and dismantle cruelty and oppression.’
The senior Iranian cleric added, “Thus, so all those who were concerned about religion were working as much as they could to establish an Islamic government and they considered revolutionary actions as their duty.”
Ayatollah Tavokkol said, “Everyone knew that by establishing the Islamic and Quranic system, religion would rule the country, and a leader would be chose who would be a comprehensive mujtahid and pleasing in all aspects to God and His Messenger and who governs by the logic of the Quran and religion.”
His Eminence stressed, “This issue was an idea and a dream that all the religious scholars sought to achieve so when the means of such a revolution were provided, all the religious people stood up and answered the call of Imam Khomeyni. This servant, along with others, strove to achieve the goals of the Islamic Revolution as much as we could and we considered it as a duty for ourselves.”
Ayatollah Tavokkol added, “We have heard many times that the people were firm at the beginning of the uprising of Imam Ali or Imam al-Husayn but when their presence was needed, they pulled themselves away. The people of Kufah became infamous in history for their disloyalty and our nation of Iran didn’t want history to denigrate us and for this reason, all those who were firm at the beginning of the Revolution must be present at the end in different fields in order to achieve its fruits.”
Rasa News Agency