RNA – Speaking at a husayniyah in the southern Lebanese town of Adayseh, Hujjat al-Islam Nabil Qawouq, the vice-president of the Executive Council of Hezbollah, said today’s achievements which have been made to liberate Lebanese territory from Takfiri terrorist groups has made Lebanese less vulnerable to the dangers posed by the Zionist regime.
The ten day long battle along the Lebanese border has finally come to an end, as Daesh terrorists agreed to surrender their last positions to both the Syrian and Lebanese governments.
The Lebanese Shi’ah cleric said, “The Zionists consider Daesh and the al-Nusrah Front as daggers in the back of the Islamic Resistance [Hezbollah] in this regime’s war but the expulsion of Daesh and the al-Nusrah Front from Lebanon has cut off the Zionist regime’s hands. Israel was betting on Daesh and the al-Nusrah Front to stab the army, the nation and the Resistance in the back.”
He added, “The first goal of our participation in the Syria War was to support our people and the homeland because all Lebanese were endangered by the Takfiris. This victory is a new achievement for the equation of the army, nation and Resistance in defense of Lebanon and against any Zionist and Takfiri threat.”
Hujjat al-Islam Qawouq called Lebanon’s liberation from Takfiri terrorism as the result of the equation of the army, the nation and the Resistance and opposed the demands and will of the United States. “Lebanon achieved victory two times with this equation – once in the war against Zionist terrorism and once again in the war on Takfiri terrorism,” he added.
He described the American anger over the victory and the achievements of the Resistance as natural and added, “The United States placed its hopes in the Takfiri project to encircle and undermine the Resistance but the Resistance achieved victory and regained national, political and military strength.”
The senior member of Hezbollah emphasized that the American attacks on the Resistance isn’t a new issue and that all American actions and the deniers of the achievements and sacrifices of the Resistance won’t have any effect on their equations and achievements.
Hujjat al-Islam Qawouq noted that the liberation of the border with Syria doesn’t mean the end of the threat posed by Daesh and Takfiris to Lebanon and that as long as Daesh and the al-Nusrah Front are present in Syria, there is a direct threat to Lebanon and the Lebanese people.
He emphasized that Hezbollah will continue to fight Daesh terrorists in support of the security of Lebanon and to protect its dignity and sovereignty because the al-Nusrah Front and Daesh are a threat to Lebanon and that at any moment, it’s possible that they will send car bombs to Lebanon and carry out suicide operations.