RNA – In his Friday prayer sermon delivered to a large and fervent crowd of believers at Qom’s Qods Prayer Hall, Ayatollah Hoseyni-Bushehri referred to the Hajj issue, saying that Iranians may not be able to perform Hajj this year and this it is not because the authorities did not pursue the issue of Hajj but rather, the world must know that the Saudi government has engaged in sabotage and plots to prevent our people from performing their Hajj rituals.
Ayatollah Hoseyni-Bushehri said: “So that the enemies cannot resort to excuses, sedition or say that Iranians don’t want to participate in Hajj, our authorities must pursue this issue as far as possible so if they don’t reach a solution, the entire world will realize the Saudi government’s sabotage.”
Sanctions have nothing to do with Iran's nuclear program
His Eminence referred to the “oppressive sanctions” that the United States has imposed on Iran since its 1979 Islamic Revolution, saying: “Some say that Iran has been under sanctions due to its nuclear energy program but this program is not related to the beginning of the Revolution because at that time, Iran had no nuclear energy program and the enemies’ economic sanctions began two years after the victory of the Revolution.”
Ayatollah Hoseyni-Bushehri said the only solution to confront the enemies is reliance on domestic and internal capabilities which is a clear reference to the “Resistance Economy” which has been stressed upon by the Supreme Leader of Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei.
“By relying on internal capabilities, we can be victorious over the enemies,” he said.
Enemy's cultural invasion 'unacceptable'
The renowned cleric explained that the enemies’ ongoing cultural invasion is “unacceptable” and added that a significant portion of the Muslim community has witnessed the impact of their cultural invasion because many of the boundaries which previously secured Islamic culture have been breached or have been severely threatened by the enemies.
"The effects of the enemies’ soft war are greater than a military war because while missiles target lives, cultural tools target human thought and belief," he said.