RNA – According to the law of attraction, if someone thinks that they have a certain disease, such as COVID-19 (Coronavirus), will they get this disease?
One of the superstitions that has emerged in recent years and is considered the greatest superstition of our time due to its frequent repetition and universalization is the hypothesis known as “mystery.” The secret hypothesis refers to the “law of attraction” and says that by imagining everything and strengthening the positive feeling about it, you can absorb it, and if it does not exist, you can create it.
Today, there are fundamental flaws in the law of attraction, and the law of attraction is absolutely not endorsed by Islamic scholars and theologians, nor is it endorsed by scientists in the experimental sciences, nor is it endorsed by scientific psychology. This hypothesis is merely an unreasonable claim that is not substantiated by philosophical arguments or by experimental science.
Of course, there is no doubt that positive or negative thoughts, as well as a positive or negative suggestion, are the source of the effect and affect the human spirit and behaviour. In a large-scale study, researchers have concluded that negative thoughts can make a person physically ill and cause a lot of psychological and physical damage to a person. Thus, if anyone is thinking of COVID-19 and being infected by this disease, according to critics of the law of attraction, it is not possible to get the disease on your own by simply thinking about it. Rather, if a person thinks too much about it, he or she will experience increasing fear and stress, which will weaken the person’s immune system and cause problems for him or her, or in the case of being infected with COVID-19 due to a weakened immune system, the symptoms of the disease will appear more and more and the process of treatment and recovery will be longer.
Detailed Answer:
According to the law of attraction, our minds and thoughts, like a magnet, attract the events of life to us. The law of attraction says “whatever you visualize in your mind, you will have it in your hands. The summary of this rule is that with mental imagery, you can attract life events and happenings toward yourself.
In other words, when we create imagery, we create a phenomenon. In fact, the mind is the perfect cause of creation and it is the cause-and-effect relationship, like how heat is the cause of boiling water. Your mind is also the cause of this external phenomenon.
Today, there are fundamental flaws in the law of attraction, and the law of attraction is absolutely not endorsed by Islamic scholars and theologians, nor is it endorsed by scientists in the experimental sciences, nor is it endorsed by scientific psychology. This hypothesis is merely an unreasonable claim that is not substantiated by philosophical arguments or by the methods of the experimental sciences.
In the words of the claimants of this law, scientific research has been mentioned many times and quotes from researchers have been mentioned, while almost all of them are fake.
The law of attraction claims that religions and denominations such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, and civilizations such as the Babylonians and the Egyptians have referred to the law of attraction in their writings and tales, while this is not the case. It is also alleged that some great figures, such as Socrates, Plato, Pythagoras, William Shakespeare, William Blake, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Victor Hugo, Francis Bacon, and Isaac Newton, referred to this law in their writings. However, this claim is completely false and deceptive.
In the logic of Islam, the affairs of life in this world are designed based on cause and effect. The universe has a logical system of cause and effect, and that phenomenon will not be realized until there are sufficient causes for the realization of a phenomenon. Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq said: “God refused to flow the things except by causes. Thus, He made a cause for everything, and made an explanation to be for every cause, and made a piece of knowledge to be for every explanation, and made a speaking door to be for every knowledge. He recognized him as the one who recognized it, and he was ignorant of him the one who was ignorant of it. That is the Messenger of God and us.” In the law of attraction, the material causes of phenomena are eliminated and only mental imagery is introduced as the cause of the creation of phenomena.
On the other hand, God Almighty considers people’s efforts as a value and introduces it as a factor in achieving success and happiness. As it is stated in the Holy Quran: “That nothing belongs to man except what he strives for” [53:39]. According to the law of attraction, mental imagery is enough to achieve success or achieve goals. Don’t we have to try or do something special?! However, this claim is contrary to religious teachings and Islamic teachings.
However, there is no doubt that positive or negative thoughts, as well as positive or negative suggestions, affect human mood and behaviour. Of course, this issue has nothing to do with the claims of the claimants of the law of attraction, and the law of attraction is nothing more than a lie introduced in today’s society.
Through extensive research, researchers have concluded that negative thoughts can make a person physically ill and cause a lot of psychological and physical damage to a person. In contrast, positive and positive thinking can increase the motivation and motivation of human power and even help one recover from disease and accelerate it. This point has also been pointed out in religious teachings and Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq said: “Nobody is incapable of doing what it intends to do.”
According to the above points, if one thinks of COVID-19 and getting infected with this disease, then, according to critics of the law of attraction, it is not possible to get the disease on your own by simply thinking about it. Rather, this type of thinking increases a person’s stress and anxiety, and by increasing negative thoughts, the person’s fear and anxiety increases, which weakens their immune system and causes problems for them.
There is no doubt that strengthening the body’s defences is vital to maintaining good health, and people with weakened immune systems are more prone to injury and disease than others. According to the World Health Organization, people with strong immune systems are more resistant to the COVID-19 and have a much lower mortality rate and vulnerability. In contrast, people with weakened immune systems such as the elderly and those with underlying medical conditions such as infectious diseases, cardiovascular, cancer, asthma, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, etc. are more vulnerable because these diseases severely weaken the human immune system.
The effects of stress and anxiety on the immune system include a decrease in the number of white blood cells and a decrease in the level of lymphocytes. Lymphocytes are a type of white blood cell that protects the body against infections. The lower the level of lymphocytes in the body, the more vulnerable the body is to viruses. It appears more frequently in the person and the healing process takes longer. As mentioned, white blood cells in humans are responsible for protecting one’s health and countering external enemies. Therefore, strengthening the body’s defences against viruses and germs, including the COVID-19, is a prerequisite for the survival of any human being.