RNA - Labor leadership hopeful Clive Lewis, who served as a Territorial Army officer and completed a tour of duty in Afghanistan tweeted, “I call on the prime minister to condemn this cowboy action and turn immediately to our international institutions to try and de-escalate any war with Iran. The UK must now lead in being a broker for peace.”
And just outside the houses of parliament, one of London’s most popular tourist destinations, we got some reactions from Britons and a few Israeli tourists.
According to Press TV, General Soleimani was clearly viewed as a serious obstacle to Washington’s aspirations in the region. Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif denounced an extremely dangerous and reckless escalation and Tehran has vowed the perpetrators will be met with a formidable response, despite having practiced restraint against US provocations thus far.
Observers believe whatever happens next, the assassination of Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani has only succeeded in further uniting the Iranian people.