RNA - Many say the initial spark was provided by private media, shockingly, far-right ideology has been given a daily program on France’s 2nd-most watched daily news channel even though he was convicted again of spreading Islamophobic hate just last month.
France’s most popular daily news channel already panders to the far-right, but many say that giving Zemmour a daily platform encourages France’s many far-right Islamophobes.
Last week a French politician sparked outrage when he aggressively and illegally demanded a Muslim mother, who was helping her child’s school visit a meeting of local government, take off her shawl. The attempt at humiliation was widely condemned, but many of Macron’s’ ministers supported the Islamophobe.
The theme of the demonstration is “For the love of our children”, but perhaps “For the love of our women” is more appropriate, because women compose 75% of the victims of Islamophobia in France.
Many here say that France does indeed have a problem with radicalization, but on the part of those who fanatically become hysterical and aggressive at the sight of a woman in a hijab. Islamophobia is nothing new for France’s Muslims, but they hope this latest episode is short-lived.
Ramin Mazaheri/Press TV