RNA - In order to understand the concept of lifestyle, its characteristics should be elaborated on:
First: The lifestyle is a combination of form (style) and sense (life). A behaviour is derived from beliefs, interests, it is based on an explicit and informed view or an implicit semi-informed approach towards the philosophy of life. Lifestyle can’t be severed from beliefs and values, moreover, the life appearance is the result of values and interests;
Second: The collection of life components will turn into the lifestyle if they reach the level of solidarity and cohesion and in case, they are in conformity with each other. A compound collection composed of multiple logics and models can’t be a lifestyle; for instance, the communication system should be commensurate with the systems of life, beliefs, culture and consumption. The mentioned conformity should be somehow stable. The temporary solidarity, that is quickly destroyed under the impact of the social atmosphere, won’t create a lifestyle.
Third: Components of lifestyle should be chosen voluntarily. In a forced labour camp, in prison or under exterior pressure, if a person has to adopt a specific style of living/behaviour, he will have no lifestyle. The lifestyle should be chosen, and the individual should actively participate in the definition, setting and planning of the style in accordance with his/her system of beliefs and values. Nonetheless, nowadays, media regularly publish new photos on styles of living and encourage minds and hearts to choose them.
Fourth: The lifestyle can be shaped and changed, as it is a personal selection, way and planning that can be revised. However, social conditions are possible to make changing and development of lifestyle difficult.
Fifth: Except for the childhood in which the personality of man has not formed yet, man has a way and style of living in other parts of her/his life. If we don’t choose a specific style of life voluntarily, we unconsciously found ourselves within a previously shpaed and fixed atmosphere and society. Therefore, the form/shape and style of life had better be chosen consciously and voluntarily, in addition, we shouldn’t let environmental conditions determine the colour and shape of our personality.
Sixth: Lifestyle creates social identity. Cultural phenomenologists insist that lifestyle shapes the personality of people, i.e., a man shows his/her class of identity through communications, type of occupation, shopping cart and his/her other selective dimensions. On the other hand, with regard to her/his lifestyle, by and by, some specific behaviours turn into the regular conducts and habits of the man and s/he is shaped/established from inside. And as a result, a specific value system is created and shaped inside her/him. To some extent, our analyses on the personality and identity of others also depend on these apparent dimensions (every tree is known by its fruit).
Seventh: On the macro social level, lifestyle creates convergence and divergence. Those people who have lived a similar life for years think similar to each other; furthermore, they have similar interests and sensitivities. This predetermined convergence leads to the adoption of the same social and moral positions and judgements and creates a unanimous pole or hidden social power (Sharifi, 2013, pp. 29-31).
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