RNA – Sayyid Hasan Nasrallah, the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, said that the President of the United States Donald Trump has already milked some of the Persian Gulf states to serve his Israeli friend Benjamin Netanyahu.
He made the remarks in a live speech on the occasion of the 14th anniversary of Lebanon’s victory over the Israeli enemy.
On 33-Day War against the Zionist enemy
Nasrallah congratulated the Lebanese people on the anniversary of the July War while appreciating all who had a big or small role in achieving this victory.
“I want to thank, specifically, Imad Moghniyeh and Mustafa Badruddin who were in the central command in directing the war back then,” he said, according to al-Manar.
He also offered special thanks to Marty Lieutenant General Qasem Soleymani for his participation in the operations room during the war.
He also offered special thanks to martyred Lieutenant General Qasem Soleymani for his participation in the operations room during the war.
Lebanon stood alone militarily in its fight against the Zionist army which had been considered invincible, he said, adding, one of the strategic outcomes of the July war was foiling the new Middle East scheme which was the main goal of the war on Lebanon.
That New Middle East scheme which started with Afghanistan occupation to the Iraqi invasion was meant to continue but was foiled in Lebanon, added the Hezbollah chief.
The military and psychological defeat the Zionists had 14 years ago is still remaining till now, he said, adding that Lebanon is strong with its resistance equation and that’s why the enemy wants to get rid of it.
The Resistance, for Lebanon and its people, is a condition for life, it’s not a side matter, it’s existential, he highlighted.
We’ve been hearing this since 2000, that if Hezbollah would disarm, the United States, European Union would take us off the Foreign Terrorist Organizations list, support us financially and politically, and make us their best friends, he said, adding, now that war has failed to defeat Hezbollah, they are resorting to every other method, and what we are all witnessing now in Lebanon is a result of that
The Resistance, for Lebanon and its people, is a condition for life, it’s not a side matter, it’s existential, he highlighted.
Hezbollah’s decision to avenge the killing of its fighter Ali Kamel Mohsen is still valid and they knew Hezbollah would respond, we didn’t need to say anything, Nasrallah said. “Hezbollah will respond, but the response will be studied and measured, only serious, calculated action not media stunts.”
On United Arab Emirates-Israel relation and Trump’s failed plans
Referring to recent controversial agreement between United Arab Emirates and the Israeli regime, Nasrallah said the force is not ‘surprised’ by the United Arab Emirates’ decision as various forms of Israeli-United Arab Emirates normalization and cooperation were already underway for a long time.
Trump already milked the Persian Gulf states financially, religiously, and morally just to serve his friend Netanyahu, he said.
Timing also demonstrates how much Arab regimes serve America and Trump needs an accomplishment before the end of his term, he added.
Nasrallah pointed to the defeats that Trump has conceded in the international arena, such as the failure of his policies against Iran, North Korea and Palestine. Trump already milked the Persian Gulf States financially, religiously, and morally just to serve his friend Netanyahu, he said.
On Beirut explosion
Referring to the massive explosion in the Port of Beirut, Nasrallah said that Hezbollah doesn’t have any narrative on the incident. “We are not investigating; the Lebanese state is doing the job.”
The incident has happened theoretically due to either negligence or sabotage, he added.
Hezbollah is entitled only in resistance security and does not want or have the capability to take over domestic security, he said, adding that if investigations proved the explosion was out of negligence, then those responsible must be held accountable and punished.
If investigations proved the explosion was out of negligence, then those responsible must be held accountable and punished.
The most dangerous matter is that there’s a project underway to bring down the Lebanese State, said Nasrallah, adding, the scheme’s aim was to rile up political forces’ pressure against President Aoun to force him to resign.
The second goal targeted the parliament, through resignations, but it also failed, added Nasrallah. “They are trying to take the country to civil war. They were trying to do that when former Prime Minister Saad Hariri was kidnapped.”
“Now, regarding the formation of new government, we tell the Lebanese not to listen to those attempting to exploit the disaster to accomplish their political goals. We call for a strong government that has political backing from parliamentary factions, so it can withstand pressure.”
A neutral government is ‘a waste of time’ and a ‘fake way’ to bypass the popular will, he said, adding, “So let’s go for a national unity government or one with the broadest possible popular and parliamentary representation.”
Through patience and holding onto resistance and its capabilities we will overcome these difficult times.
“Regarding protests, we’ve seen all boundaries crossed. Who do these people represent? We respect those peacefully protesting not those who are backed by embassies.”
He called on Hezbollah supporters to be ‘patient’ and not let go of their anger as the day might come when “we need it to end all attempts to drag Lebanon into civil war.”
“Through patience and holding onto resistance and its capabilities we will overcome these difficult times.”
Mehr News Agency