RNA - The Syrian Army found an ISIL base, which had recently been equipped by the terrorists, during purging operations in the Southern parts of the town of al-Qouriyeh in the Eastern Badiyeh of Deir Ezzur.
Meantime, the Syrian army continued its military advances in other parts of Syria over past 24 hours.
Tens of terrorists were killed and dozens more were injured during the Syrian army's operations in provinces across Syria.
Deir Ezzur
The Syrian army discovered a large amount of weapons and military equipment, including Israeli ammunition, in a former ISIL headquarters during cleansing operations in liberated areas in the Eastern Badiyeh (desert) of Deir Ezzur.
The army units found an ISIL base which had recently been equipped by the terrorists during purging operations in the Southern parts of the town of al-Qouriyeh in the Eastern Badiyeh of Deir Ezzur.
A Syrian military source said that the ISIL terrorists used the headquarters to coordinate their military operations against the Syrian army in Syria's Badiyeh, adding that the army forces discovered a large number of weapons and military equipment, including Israeli bombs and ammunition, communication systems and RPGs.
The ISIL's attacks, backed by the US, against the Syrian army in the Eastern Badiyeh of Syria have increased recently.
It is believed that about 2,000 terrorists are stationed in Eastern Badiyeh of Deir Ezzur.
Syria-Iraq Border
Iraqi sources revealed existence of centers in the Western desert areas of al-Anbar province near the borders with Syria to train the ISIL children with the US support.
According to Fars News Agancy, the Arabic-language al-Ma'aloumeh news website quoted Head of Badr Organization's Office in al-Anbar Qusai al-Anbari as saying on Thursday that the ISIL terrorist group is after training the second and third generations of its members to replace the fighters who have been defeated by the security forces and Hashd al-Shaabi (popular forces) in Iraq and Syria.
He added that the terrorist groups have established training centers and recruited children between the ages of 10 to 15, calling them with different names, including the lion cubs of the caliphate.
Al-Anbari disclosed that the training centers are protected by the US air force and bases in al-Anbar province.