RNA - Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Seyed Abbas Moussavi referred to the upcoming meetings to be hosted by Manama on the so-called issue of maritime security, and denouncing "suspicious" and "provocative" meetings and the "allegations" against Iran in the recent statements of Bahrain Foreign ministry as disturbing factors in the regional security and stability.
Bahraini Minister for Foreign Affairs, Sheikh Khalid bin Ahmed Al Khalifa and the US special representative for Iran Brian Hook on Wednesday announced that Manama will play host to a Warsaw follow-up meeting in October to discuss maritime security.
The Iranian diplomat said that such moves will set the ground for military intervention of trans-regional forces such as the Zionist Israeli regime in the Persian Gulf.
The spokesman called on Bahrain to take a constructive stance and stop such unwise moves.
The security of countries in the region is inseparable, and there will be no security for certain states at the cost of others, he warned, adding that it is advisable that countries in the region take prudent stances to prevent any provocative intervention of foreigners.
The small island nation of Bahrain in the Southern part of the Persian Gulf is preparing itself to host a summit this fall on regional maritime and what has been called as aviation threats posed by Iran.
Hook and bin Ahmed al Khalifa announced the summit in Washington on July 17. The gathering will likely be held in late October.
The conference will be the follow-up of a significant US-led Middle East conference that was attended by dozens of nations in Warsaw, Poland, last February.