RNA – The Indian government launched an air strike in a ground-breaking retaliation campaign against terrorists in Pakistani territory after a bus carrying Indian armed forces was targeted in a terrorist attack.
In these attacks, the Indian fighter jet was shot down by the Pakistani anti-aircraft fire and its pilot was captured by Pakistan but Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan announced that he would release the pilot in a goodwill gesture.
In the following report, the main reason for the conflict between India and Pakistan is briefly reviewed.
What is the reason for the conflict between Pakistan?
The root of most of the problems between India and Pakistan date back to the time of British colonial rule in the Indian subcontinent. When the old colonialists withdrew from Greater India in 1947 (which itself requires extensive discussion), they delineated the borders of this region and left a bloody and controversial legacy. Pakistan was separated from India and was established as an independent country, in the regions where Muslims formed the majority the population in Greater India. This region was, in turn, divided into East and West Pakistan until East Pakistan became the new country of Bangladesh in 1971.
The most controversial border delineation by the British colonialists was carried out in Kashmir. The region of Kashmir divided into two parts, the northern and southern parts, of which the northern part was placed under Pakistani control and the southern was placed under Indian control.
Kashmir conflict area
Pakistan claims that because of the predominantly Muslim majority in Kashmir, the region should considered as part of Pakistan.
Although China claims control over two small regions of Kashmir [Aksai Chin and the Trans-Karakoram Tract], the war over territory in this region is mainly between India and Pakistan.
India and Pakistan have been fought three wars since separating in 1947 and two of these wars have been in regard to Kashmir. After Pakistani militants attacked the Indian parliament in 2002, the two countries were on the verge of a fourth war. Since 1971, no war has occurred between the two countries but the people of Kashmir live in a state of alert.
In hopes that families on the border between Indian- and Pakistani-controlled Kashmir won’t leave the area, India has built 14,000 shelters in the territory under its control.
Pakistan has been captured by the House of Saud
After the separation and independence of Pakistan from India in 1947, the country began to establish relations with various countries to establish its own identity, including Iran under the despotic Pahlavi regime before the Islamic Revolution, Saudi Arabia and the United States.
This caused the country to become entangled with Saudi Arabia and become a haven for the most dangerous terrorists in the region. Among the most dangerous terrorist groups in Pakistan, one can mention the Takfiri terrorist groups “Lashkar-e Jhangvi” and “Sipah-e Sahabah,” which often attack Pakistani Shi’ahs.
Terrorists from other countries also resided or residing in Pkistan. Most notably Usamah ibn Laden from Saudi Arabia and Abdul-Malik Rigi, a villain and terrorist from Iranian Balouchestan.
Site of the terrorist attack in which 27 members of IRGC have been martyred by Jaysh al-Adl (read Jaysh al-Dhulm) terrorist group
Recently, Jaysh al-Adl (read Jaysh al-Dhulm), a terrorist group sponsored by the spy agencies of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, and created from the residue of Abdul-Malik Rigi’s followers, has stepped up its activities in Pakistan. It has repeatedly engaged in terrorist operations in the territories of the Islamic Republic of Iran and against the Iranian people and the country’s military forces. The latest of these attacks was a terrorist and cowardly assault on members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) which led to the martyrdom of 27 of them.
Due to its political and economic dependence on Saudi Arabia, the Pakistani government has had little success in its fight against the terrorists living in the country and it seems that there is no serious determination to deal with them among the Pakistani authorities.
Amir Rahimian
Rasa News Agency