Rasa News Agency Reports – Despite all the disagreements in the European Union, the ministers of foreign affairs of the European countries will review Britain’s demand to put the Lebanese resistant movement to the list of terrorist organizations.
Britain announced the allegation for what they call Hezbollah’s intervention over the unrest in Syria and also Bulgaria bombing.
According to the reports The French government opposes to put Hezbollah military wing to the list of terrorist organizations. The only thing that the French government wants is to put the name of some of the officials of the resistant movement in the Blacklist.
Britain needs to satisfy other members of the European Union including Italy, Spain, Cyprus, Greece and others to reach its goal in sanctioning Hezbollah. The same efforts had been made by Washington to list Hezbollah in Blacklist.
The Bulgarian government accuses Hezbollah of attacking the Israeli tourists in the country in July. However Hezbollah considers the allegations as baseless and has totally denied them.
The members of the Bulgarian parliament who oppose the charge criticize their government of charging Hezbollah without any strong evidences. The MPs emphasize that the Bulgarian government is rumoring about the resistant movement Hezbollah under the pressure of the Israeli regime.