Of Sanctions and Trade Wars
11 June 2019 - 09:43

Of Sanctions and Trade Wars

The United States has launched an economic war against Iran, which has no other choice but to take necessary countermeasures. The world is watching with great concern, and nations have every reason to worry, because Washington is resolved to pursue unilateralism.
Who Is Torching the Middle East?
01 June 2019 - 22:57

Who Is Torching the Middle East?

Commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) says the United States is the root cause of all tensions in the Persian Gulf, rejecting accusations raised by the War Party and its Arab allies that Iran was behind the attacks on four vessels off the coast of the United Arab Emirates.
International Quds Day
01 June 2019 - 21:39

International Quds Day

On Friday, May 31, the Iranian nation and Muslims across the world once again take to the streets to raise their voice in support of the Palestinian people.‬
Washington’s Ruse to Sell Arms to Saudis and UAE
29 May 2019 - 06:28

Washington’s Ruse to Sell Arms to Saudis and UAE

US President Donald Trump has once again used a fake “national emergency” regarding tensions with Iran for the sole reason of circumventing Congressional restrictions and international law on arms sales, and using it to rush shipments of more arms to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
Civilians Still Suffering from US Mideast Plan
27 May 2019 - 19:25

Civilians Still Suffering from US Mideast Plan

Despite the United Nations Security Council’s task of protecting civilians, millions around the world are still being displaced and killed with little to no accountability for perpetrators.
A report on Poverty in Britain
27 May 2019 - 18:57

A report on Poverty in Britain

All is not good in Britain. According to the United Nations, Britain is a country where a fifth of the population lives in poverty.
UN Bodies Deliberately Underfunded and Undermined by US, Allies
23 May 2019 - 11:20

UN Bodies Deliberately Underfunded and Undermined by US, Allies

We are living in strange times. The United Nations longstanding mandate to promote and protect human rights worldwide, undermined by right-wing nationalist governments and authoritarian regimes, has taken another hit by the United States and its allies.