RNA – In an exclusive report for Rasa News Agency, Harun Elbinawi, a Nigerian activist and public affairs analyst, expressed his thoughts on implementing the Islamic Republic of Iran’s model of the “Resistance Economy” in Africa.
The “Resistance Economy” is a concept declared originally by the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei, and is defined as reinforcement of the economy in the face of foreign and domestic shocks and threats, which maintains a long precedent in the science of economics. Many countries have sought such an economy, with each country selecting its specific approach via reliance upon its organizations and establishments.
In his August 2012 speech, Ayatollah Khamenei explained that the Resistance Economy aims to promote economic self-reliance, a strategy that would defeat the US-led efforts against Iran via economic and trade sanctions.
In regard to this concept, Mr. Elbinawi said:
The Resistance Economy that the Supreme Leader proposed will not be limited to Iran. It will extend to Africa and other parts of the world where the Islamic Resistance Axis is strong.
We hope that African economies will be productive. Ivory Coast is the largest producer of cocoa in the world but there isn’t a single chocolate factory in the country. Most cocoa farmers in that country have never tasted chocolate. Southwest Nigeria also has large cocoa plantations but there isn’t a single chocolate factory in Nigeria. The chocolate factories are in Western countries and Asia. They buy cheap cocoa from Africa and sell expensive chocolate to us.
We want to destroy this unproductive culture in Africa that was inherited from the colonial era. Africa should have chocolate factories that export their products to Europe, Asia and the West.
Nigeria should stop exporting two million barrels of crude oil per day. This is the export of millions of jobs. Nigeria should be exporting five million barrels of gasoline per day. Just like how Iran recently sent millions of gasoline to Venezuela. Refining products and selling them is far better than selling crude products. Those refining crude products are human beings like you. They are not superior to you; they are just wiser.
Nigeria doesn’t manufacture ten percent of its needs. Almost everything is imported – even ordinary matches are imported. There is massive unemployment in Nigeria. Massive unemployment is one of the causes of insecurity. Young people with jobs will never think to become armed bandits.
African leaders are puppets of the genocidal imperialist barbarians of the West. They have no plans to develop their countries and make them self-sufficient. It is not in the interest of the arrogant Western powers for African nations to be productive. They want Africa to continue to be subservient to them.
Today in Africa, only South Africa has a company that manufactures electric transformers. More than ninety percent of transformers are imported into Africa. Why can’t Africa manufacture transformers? There is a colonial mentality in Africa that manufacturing is the white man’s job and we blacks are just consumers.
We have a project to establish a transformer manufacturing company in Nigeria with the help of Iran and export the transformers to other African nations. This is technology transfer; this is development and this is progress.
Rasa News Agency