RNA - President Donald Trump said on Sunday that the Democratic presidential primaries were “rigged” against leading Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders.
Sanders was slated to win most of the states on Super Tuesday but Biden turned tables on him and ended up by clinching 10 of 14 states, after hours before the vote former mayor Pete Buttigieg and Senator Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota dropped out of the Democratic race and endorsed Biden.
Trump on Sunday also suggested that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) ordered Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) to end her candidacy after Super Tuesday to draw votes away from Sanders.
“Did the DNC & Dems tell Elizabeth Warren to wait? If so, they were deadly, the race would have been over, & Bernie would have won,” Trump tweeted.
“Dirty double dealing? Nobody knows for sure, & history will be the judge. But I say, here we go AGAIN, Bernie!” he added.
Lendman said, “Bernie Sanders and many others believe that in his case that the process, the election electoral process is being rigged against him. Well, I disagree with Sanders on many things, but I absolutely agree with him on that issue.”
“US elections have no legitimacy, zero legitimacy. They're rigged. They've been rigged for at least around the last 200 years, going back to about the 1820s. It was an infamous election in 1824. There was no clear winner. The outcome was called 'a corrupt bargain' between John Quincy Adams (1767 – 1848) chosen over Andrew Jackson (1767 –1845), who later became president, four years later, and reelected four years after that, served two terms,” he told Press TV in an interview on Monday.
“And the only thing good about Andrew Jackson was he was militantly anti-predatory banking. He called the Bank of the United States, which was the equivalent of the Federal Reserve in those days, 'a Hydra-headed monster.' Andrew, we could use you around today, absolutely. He had it absolutely right,” he added.
“Well, there've been many rigged elections since 1824. In the 19th century, in the 20th century, the infamous one the in 2000, with a Supreme Court made the decision, and it chose George W. Bush, as the US president over Al Gore, who won both the popular vote and the Electoral College vote. Well, that didn’t matter. The Supreme Court decided they wanted a Bush over Gore. And that's the way it turned out. And it was repeated in 2004, not by the Supreme Court. John Kerry defeated George Bush. Bush got a second term. That's the way the US system runs. There is no question things are being rigged against Bernie Sanders into in 2020,” he said.
“Sanders is no hero of ordinary people. He basically goes along with the system, like everybody knows not everybody, but most everybody in Washington,” he noted.
“So why wouldn't the powers that be in Washington be very happy to have said is as the damn nominee? Well they consider Biden more ‘safe’ and Sanders less 'safe'. I mean Sanders would go along with the dirty system, if he was in office. He might just want a little wiggle room to throw crumbs at his supporters, not enough to matter, but to confuse them and make them believe he really serves ordinary people,” he said.
“Well, his history in Congress for the past 30 years was that he basically most of the time voted along party lines. So he goes along to get along. But Biden, good lord, Biden was much worse. A US senator beginning in 19 73, vice presidents for eight years under Obama, he supports virtually everything hostile to ordinary people everywhere, making him an ideal candidate to oppose Trump in November this year,” he observed.
“Both of them are hostile toward just societies. They are against them. They are pro-war, pro-business, anti-social justice, one thing after another. So it looks like it will be Biden versus Trump in November. Well for me, that's choosing between death by hanging or a firing squad,” he concluded.