RNA - Protesters chanted slogans against the ruling Al Khalifa regime as they took to the streets in several villages and neighborhoods on the outskirts of the capital Manama on Monday night.
According to Reuters, police fired tear gas to disperse the demonstrators in Bilad al-Qadeem neighborhood.
Meanwhile, pictures posted on social media accounts of Bahrini activists showed mass demonstrations in the district of Bani Hamra.
Bahraini people have been holding protest rallies since Saturday, when the Al Khalifah regime executed Ahmad al-Malali, 24, and Ali Hakim al-Arab, 25.
The activists had been sentenced to death last year in a mass trial along with another 56 men who were convicted and given jail terms on "terrorism crimes."
The Manama regime carried out the death penalties despite fierce protests by the United Nations and several human rights groups.
The opposition al-Wefaq National Islamic Society condemned the executions as extrajudicial and as revenge against the cause of freedom seekers.
Since February 2011, Bahraini people have been holding peaceful protest rallies regularly, demanding that the Al Khalifah family relinquish power and let a just system representing all citizens be established.
They have also been complaining about widespread discrimination against the country's Shia majority.
Manama has responded to the demonstrations with an iron fist. The authorities have detained rights campaigners, broken up major opposition political parties, revoked the nationality of several pro-democracy activists and deported those left stateless.