World Forum of Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought and the Islamic Student Association

25th of January 21, 2013 World Forum of Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought and the Islamic Student Association have organized a major event in London for the birthday of the Mercy to mankind the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The aim of the event is to create a platform for unity for all through introducing the compassionate prophet of Islam.
The event will start with the recitation of the Holy Quran by the renowned reciter Sheikh Nu’aina. Followed up with speeches and lectures from the vice president of the European Muslim league, President of the international Muslim Women Union of the United Nations. Kristianne Backer who was the leading presenter in MTV Europe and now converted to Islam is going to give a talk with the subject “Mercy to Mankind”. Other speakers the likes of Sheikh Bahmanpour and Mohammad Salih will also be addressing the attendees during this event.
This great event marks the Week of Unity amongst all Islamic schools of thoughts. It aims to honor the auspicious birthday of the Holy Prophet by hosting performances, renowned speakers, competitions, luxury prizes and ending the day with socializing during dinner.
For more information on this event you can check the website
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