Rasa News Agency reports - “We will not injure the few taxpayers with more taxes like e-tolling,” Yagyah Adams, from Cape Muslim Congress in Mitchells Plain, told Cape Argus on Monday, March 3.
The party would call for violent criminals, “hard-core drug and alcohol addicts to be sterilized”.
Adams was speaking as the CMC launched its manifesto amid preparations for coming elections.
While most parties promised free houses, essential services, to nationalize mines or banks, party’s leaders promised to fight until the death penalty is reinstated for murderers and child molesters.
They added that they would also work for the sterilization of violent criminals, alcoholics and drug addicts.
The party would reinstate the death penalty, end state corruption and the “wasting of billions of rand” which would be used for service delivery.
Adams added that violent criminals should not be allowed to procreate.
“A person who rapes children, why waste taxpayers’ money on rehabilitating those people?”
Sterilization could help to “alleviate the spiritual, mental and fiscal strain” on clinics and hospitals that perform multiple abortions on addicts who use abortion as a contraceptive method,” he said.
“By limiting their ability to reproduce, taxpayers will save billions on corrective health care, education, welfare grants and a range of other social issues.”
The party leader added that the policies were suggested based on a fiscal, financial and statistical perspective.
“Since South Africa spends almost R1.5 billion to keep 150 000 people in prison every month, it costs R9 876.35 a month for each inmate,” Adams said.
Muslims make up some 1.5 percent of South Africa’s 49 million-strong population, according to the CIA fact book.