Rasa News Agency Reports - This week marks the start of Muharram and a time of remembrance of the ultimate sacrifice made by Imam Hussain. It is an inspiring time as we reflect on how we too can give back to our community. The annual Imam Hussain Blood Donation Campaign, established in 2006 under the Islamic Unity Society, helps to do this by facilitating blood donations amongst ethnic minorities.
Currently, only 4% of the UK population are blood donors, and of this number only 3% are from an ethnic minority. These figures are shocking when considering the NHS requires around 8000 units of blood per day, and an increasing need from ethnic minority donors. IHBDC works in conjunction with the NHS Blood & Transplant, and have in the past facilitated hundreds of blood donations at Muharram drives.
The national blood drive held during the month of Muharram is the largest national Muslim blood donation campaign in the UK. This November the campaign yet again is holding more sessions than before across the whole of the UK. Visit our website (http://www.ius.org.uk/giveblood) to find out more information about what we do and how to participate this year.
Save lives this Muharram, and make a lasting difference. Do something amazing – give back, give blood.
Email: giveblood@ius.org.uk
Website: http://www.ius.com/
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