RNA - Professor Atta-ur-Rahman from Pakistan recently argued in an interview that the coronavirus pandemic may have originated as a US bioweapon. He's not just any doctor, but he's the chairman of (Pakistani Prime Minister) Imran Khan's National Task Force on Science and Technology. And Pakistan's former UN Ambassador Abdullah Hussain Haroon said the same thing.
This is very interesting. The US, of course, has been very close to Pakistan in the past. And today Pakistan is trying to balance between the US and China. Hearing this kind of statement from high level people in Pakistan is a wakeup call that the world needs to take this seriously.
I think that the context is such that anybody who's seriously paying attention to contemporary history has to admit that from the circumstantial evidence alone, it seems very likely that we should see this as a deliberate US biological attack on China, and perhaps on Iran—or perhaps the Israelis did that.
The reason for this is that the US has entered into a period of great power competition with a rising China, not just a rising China that with a very rapidly rising China.
If we listen to serious geostrategic analysts, people like John Mearsheimer—a very brilliant man who tries to tell the truth as he sees it, as we all know from his analysis with with Walt on the Israel lobby here in the United States.
In October 2014, just about six years to the day before the US military sports team came to Wuhan, China, perhaps bringing that virus and while at the same time an exercise was being run, “Event 201”, mimicking exactly what would happen in the case of this kind of pandemic, John Mearsheimer published an article called, Can China Rise Peacefully? His answer was no.
And he argued that the United States is going to take extraordinary measures to kill Chinese economic growth, which has been averaging 10% since 1980, and which is still up at 7%, putting China on a course to grossly eclipse the United States in economic, technological and military power within a decade or two at the very most.
Mearsheimer says the United States will undoubtedly do what it takes to stop this no matter what.
Here's a quote from his article. He said, “All of this tells us the United States has a profound interest in seeing Chinese economic growth slowed considerably in the years ahead. That outcome might not be good for American prosperity, much less for global prosperity, but it would be good for American security, which is what matters most.”
So that prediction was that the US would be willing to kill not only the global economy, but the American economy as well in order to stop this precipitous Chinese ascendance in the world .That's what's happened obviously.
If China's growing at over 7% and the US is growing at a couple of percent at most, that differential leads to quick Chinese dominance of its region and then the world, whereas if the whole world's growth is killed, and China's dives down to a percent or two, and even if the US growth goes a little bit negative, this change doesn't happen; the US maintains its current global military supremacy, or so it may think.
So clearly, from the historical background and the context everybody in the world who knows anything about history needs to be talking about this as a US bioweapon attack on China just like the Chinese are talking about it, just like the Iranian government's talking about it, just like the Russian government's talking about it, and now just like the top people in Pakistan are talking about it.
Kevin Barrett/Press TV