News ID: 448732
Date of Release: 08:10 - 04 February 2020
Sayyid Haydar Hasanayn narrates;

Qasem Soleimani & The Rising Of Imam Mahdi (A)

We are living in incredibly exciting times. The mainstream media, American politicians, their mouthpieces and social media platforms are all putting their best efforts into attempting to quash the truth. They’re failing. Despite their best efforts to defame Qasem Soleimani, their clichéd repetition of ‘terrorist! terrorist!’, as well as their continuous insistence that Iranians hate the Islamic Revolution - all these clichéd slogans are failing and people globally have recognised the truth. The world should know that with the martyrdom of Qasem Soleimani and the subsequent events that transpired, the world has witnessed the ‘Days of Allah’, never to be forgotten and always to be recognised. The movement of Imam Mahdi (A) has already begun and victory is assured for those on the path of the Islamic Revolution… the only question is, where do YOU stand in the fight for justice, freedom and humanity? Courtesy Islamic Pulse
تعداد بازدید : 7
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