RNA - "It is quite ridiculous that a regime which has ignored all the non-proliferation and disarmament commitments and developed all kinds of weapons of mass destruction is preaching a member of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) whose nuclear facilities and materials are under the IAEA’s safeguards,” Qaribabadi said on Wednesday.
“The Zionist regime, with its long history of (adopting) opportunistic policies to deflect attentions from its brutal and inhumane measures against the people of Palestine and other countries in the Middle East, has been one of the main sources of crisis, instability, pain, and anger in the region’s recent history,” he added.
Qaribabadi called on the international community not to be distracted from the Israeli regime’s atomic weapons program, and said that Tel Aviv must abandon its nukes and join the NPT immediately, putting all its nuclear facilities under the IAEA’s safeguards.
In an address to the 63rd IAEA general conference, the director general of Israel’s Atomic Energy Commission claimed that the IAEA needs to show “greater vigilance” considering what he called Iran’s “methods of deception and concealment in the nuclear realm”.
He also accused Iran of “concealing and removing nuclear materials and equipment from its clandestine sites” and undermining the IAEA’s “ability to conduct effective verification missions”.
In his Wednesday comments, Qaribabadi also downplayed the “irrelevant and groundless” allegations raised by the UAE envoy, and gave assurances that “Iran has utilized the highest standards in building and launching its nuclear facilities.”
He said adopting such safety standards requires domestic technical capacities, which “cannot be easily purchased and imported” along with certain equipment.
“While the peaceful use of nuclear energy is the undeniable right of all governments … we strongly advise that regional newcomers to the nuclear field, including the UAE, show maximum transparency and avoid any deviation in their peaceful nuclear program,” he added.
“Iran has transparently shown on many occasions, including in the fight against terrorism, that it is the main source of security and stability in the region,” Qaribabadi said.
He made the remarks in reaction to comments by Hamad Alkaabi, the permanent representative of the UAE to the IAEA, who called on the international community to devise a new approach towards addressing what he called as concerns and threats of Iran’s nuclear and regional activities.
The allegations came as Israel, the sole possessor of nuclear weapons in the Middle East, has a policy of deliberate ambiguity about its nuclear program.
The peaceful nature of Iran's nuclear program has several times been confirmed in the IAEA's different reports.