RNA – Speaking with on the radio program “Discussion of the Day” on the topic of “Iran’s Reduced Commitment to the JPCOA,” Hujjat al-Islam Mojtaba Zonnour, the chairman of the National Security and Foreign Policy Committee of the Islamic Consultative Assembly, said, “If Europe doesn’t fulfill their obligations within the sixty-day period in which we are in, then Iran will take the third step with power.”
Referring to the role of “good and bad police” being played between the European Union, together with Germany, France, and the United Kingdom (known as the E3) and the United States, he said, “Europe and the United States have no substantive differences in dealing with the Islamic Republic of Iran but only their methods are different.”
He added, “The United States has always sought to overthrow the Islamic Republic of Iran but because it hasn’t succeeded in achieving this goal, it seeks to exert pressure on the people of Iran.”
Hujjat al-Islam Zonnour said that regard to the adventure of the JCPOA, Europeans only want Iran to pay the cost and not benefit from the JCPOA.
Referring to the implementation of the “second step of reducing Iran’s commitments to the JPCOA,” the representative of the people of Qom in the Islamic Consultative Assembly added, “This step involves an increase in the level of uranium enrichment to 3.67% and the restoration of the heavy water reactor in Arak.”
He said that submarines are considered to be an important military strategic weapon in which nuclear propulsion is used. These propellants are powered by nuclear energy and require sixty percent fuel. For this reason, the second step can provide the opportunity to supply the fuel for this nuclear propellant if necessary.”
Hujjat al-Islam Zonnour described the actions of the Europeans in regard to the JCPOA as someone who received money from the customer but didn’t give him the goods and added, “Now, Europe wants Iran to be self-reliant, while they haven’t fulfilled any of their obligations. After one year, we have come to the conclusion that we will do our part and will not wait for them.”
His Eminence commented on the level of exchanges between Europe and the United States compared to Iran and said, “The volume of exchanges between Europe and the United States is about $1 trillion, while Europe have only $20 billion worth of trade with us and for this reason, they don’t want to lose their financial interest with risk.”
He said that the JCPOA was a matter of concern for Europe and added, “Nevertheless, Europe wants to pull the breaks on the Islamic Republic of Iran through the JPCOA without paying the price.”
Hujjat al-Islam Zonnour noted the determination of the Islamic Republic of Iran in reviving its rights and added “If Iran doesn’t fulfill its obligations within the sixty-day period in which we are set, Iran will take the third step with power and this stage could include installing new centrifuges and increasing the number of active centrifuges.”
Rasa News Agency