RNA - Zarif ridiculed the administration of US President Donald Trump for attempting to take credit for “defeating” a notorious terror group of Washington’s own making in the Middle East.
“Trump & Co try to take credit for the ‘defeat of ISIS’—which was created & nourished by their invasion of Iraq & their fomenting of unrest in Syria,” Zarif said in a message posted on his Twitter account on Monday.
The White House and Trump on Friday announced that Syria was now free from the ISIL.
White House Press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told reporters that the terror group’s territorial rule had been “100 percent eliminated” from Syria, while showing a map to reporters that she said displayed the eradication of ISIL’s so-called caliphate over the last two years, in what was viewed as an attempt to give the US president credit for the “defeat” of the ISIL.
Later in the day, Trump took to Twitter and said the ISIL no longer held any territory in Syria.
According to Fars News Agancy, rarly in February, Zarif commemorated the 40th anniversary of the fall of his country’s former dictator, reminding that the US has always been siding with tyrants and monarchs of the region.
“Iranians—including our Jewish compatriots—are commemorating 40 yrs of progress despite US pressure, just as @realDonaldTrump again makes accusations against us @ #SOTU2019,” Zarif tweeted.
“US hostility has led it to support dictators, butchers & extremists, who've only brought ruin to our region,” he added.
Earlier in mid-December, Zarif said that the US government has been the main supporter of the misery-bringers in the region, from Saddam to the ISIL, holding Washington accountable for crimes in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen.
“The US and (its) allies should cease their hypocritical absurdities about Iran's missiles and regional ‘behavior’. Facts speak for themselves,” he wrote in a tweet, referring to the US’ supports for former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussain and Washington’s involvement in funding and arming terrorists groups in the Middle East like Taliban and the ISIL.
“It's they who sell $100s of billions in arms to butcher Yemenis and it's they and their clients—NOT Iran—who're responsible for miseries from Saddam to ISIS,” Zarif highlighted.