RNA - The Syrian leader received a warm embrace from Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei and President Hassan Rouhani on Monday in the Iranian capital, Tehran.
Iran and Russia have been respectively lending military advisory support and aerial backup to the Syrian military in its battle against militant groups and Takfiri terrorists over the past years. The foreign-backed groups started a campaign of bloodshed and destruction against the Arab country in 2011.
"Iran sent a message to both the United States and Turkey that Tehran won't retreat and give up in the face of new developments and 'threats' in Syria by hosting the Syrian leader," Al Monitor wrote.
"The trip allows Tehran to reaffirm its alliance with Damascus at a time when Assad is under increasing pressure to distance Syria from Iran in order to reduce tensions with neighboring countries," the report added.
At the meeting with the Syrian president, Ayatollah Khamenei praised the Syrian nation’s resistance in face of enemies’ plots and said the key to Syria's victory as well as the United States and its regional mercenaries' defeat is the Syrian president and people's resolve and resistance.
Stressing the necessity for prudence when encountering future plots, the leader said,"The Islamic Republic of Iran regards helping the Syrian government and nation as assisting the Resistance movement, and genuinely takes pride in it."
Pointing to the Islamic Republic of Iran's honest stance and staying by the government and the people of Syria from the beginning of the crisis, Ayatollah Khamenei added, "Syria, with its people's persistence and unity, managed to stand strong against a big coalition of the US, Europe and their allies in the region and victoriously come out of it."
Considering the victory of the resistance in Syria as the cause for the United States of America’s anger their desperate efforts to hatch new plots, the Supreme Leader made reference to an example and said, "The question of a buffer zone in Syria that the Americans are trying to create is one of their dangerous plots that must be firmly rejected and opposed."
He counted the US's plan for having an influential presence Iraq-Syria border as another example of their plots, and said, "Iran and Syria are strategic allies and the identity and power of Resistance depend on their continuous and strategic alliance, because of which, the enemies will not be able to put their plans into action."
Ayatollah Khamenei referred to a calculation mistake that the enemies made with regard to the matter of Syria, and stated, "Their mistake was that they took Syria for some Arab states; whereas, [even] in those countries, the people’s movement was in favor of the Resistance and in fact, there was an uprising against the US and their mercenaries there."
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution also highlighted the need for strengthening and developing the religious relations and exchange of religious scholars between Iran and Syria. Emphasizing the importance of maintaining the spirit of resistance and enhancing the power of Syria’s nation and government, Ayatollah Khamenei addressed Syria’s president, by saying "with the resistance you manifested, you have become a hero in the Arab world; and the resistance has gained more power and dignity, thanks to you."
Syria’s president referred to some analysis that regarded Syria as done, and said, "Iran and Syria have nations who enjoy identity and faith; and today’s achievements although gained by efforts and losses, are surely the outcomes of persistence with the movement of Resistance.
Bashar Al-Assad reminded the huge losses that some countries underwent following their surrendering to the US and stated, "Many countries were submissive to the US and thought that the US determines the world’s fate and future; however resistance by some nations disturbed this false perception."
Referring to cases of efforts made by US and allies in the region, trying to sow discord among ethnic and religious groups in Syria, the President of Syria went on to say, "These efforts have had reverse results, and today in Syria, the Kurds and nomads have good relations with the government and even some groups that previously had some conflicts and differences with the government, are today cooperating with it, despite what the US and Saudi Arabia desired."
Bashar Al-Assad called strengthening the ties between Syrian and Iranian scholars as an important opportunity for countering takfiri groups, and maintained, "Iran and Syria should continuously develop their economic relations; because developments of relations will act as an important factor in annulling the enemies’ plots against the two nations."