RNA - He made the remarks in a meeting with religious eulogists in Tehran on Tuesday on the occasion of the birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad’s daughter Hazrat Fatemeh Zahra (PBUH), which Iranians celebrate as national Women’s Day and Mother’s Day.
“Over the past forty years, the enemies have been using all in their power to stand against the Islamic Republic -- and have dealt some blows -- but the Iranian nation managed to handle these schemes by relying on God and honoring its duties,” Ayatollah Khamenei said.
Now, the Iranian nation “is stronger than ever before, whereas the enemy front is weaker than in the past,” he added.
The Leader also underlined the need for building strong family foundations and maintaining family values.
“The family system is a divine tradition, but the enemies of humanity - international Capitalism and Zionism - are bent on destroying family foundations globally,” he stated.