RNA - Madjedi emphasized that Iran-Iraqi relations are expanding in all fields, thus serving as a successful model of cooperation between the two neighboring countries at international level.
Speaking at the Iraqi National Defense University in Baghdad, Iraj Madjedi argued that Iran's view of Iraq is not based on a sectarian or partisan approach but rather a human, Islamic, and fraternal look. “Iraq has no more honest friend than Iran,” added the diplomat.
Visiting the Iraqi National Defense University at the invitation of commander and chairman of the university, Major General Al-Shemri, on Saturday, Iran's ambassador to Iraq spoke with a number of university students and professors.
Somewhere in his speech, Masjedi stated that Iran is not pursuing bullying and is not under any circumstances under force.
He said the independence and sovereignty of the people and the dignity of the nations are above these issues.
The Iranian diplomat pointed to the aggressive policies of some countries, including the US, in the regional and global arenas, and continued, “We believe that the US, like other nations, is a country and has one vote in the United Nations like other countries, but why in many countries, there is a base and military force? Why does the US think everyone should be under its command?”
In a related front, earlier on December 22, Masjedi, in a meeting with a number of Iraqi journalists and writers, reassured that Iran is after having a safe and strong neighbor, and accordingly backs all ethnicities and components of Iraqi society regardless of their religion and tribal background.
Iranian Ambassador to Baghdad emphasized that Iran's friendship with Iraq is not limited to Shiites, and limiting the support of Iraqi people and government by Iran just to protect and have close relation to Al-Hashd al-Sha'abi (Popular Forces) is false.
In a warm-hearted conversation with the Iraqi activists at a joint meeting with a number of Iraqi journalists and writers at the Iranian embassy in Baghdad, Ambassador Iraj Masjedi said, “Some groups who are opposing friendship and fraternity between Iran and Iraq propagate that Iran only supports Shia groups and Al-Hashd al-Sha'abi while this is totally paradoxical, and good friendship and mutual respect are not specific to Al-Hashd al-Sha'abi.”
He added, “The policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran is to establish, maintain and promote good, brotherly relations and close cooperation with all groups and tribes of Iraq as a neighboring country with a great deal of historical and cultural connectivity, as well as a 1,400-kilometer borderline. Accordingly, we have a great connection with Shiites, Sunnis, Kurds and other ethnicities and minorities in Iraq.”
He said, “What the Islamic Republic of Iran wants from Iraq, and the opinion of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution is the same, is an independent, secure, integrated and united Iraq among different groups and tribes.”
Masjedi added that it is clear that Iran, as a neighbor with a 1,400-kilometer border with Iraq, wants it to be a safe, integrated, and strong country with peace and prosperity, and that Shiites, Sunnis and Iraqi Kurds are not against each other and of course this country is a good neighbor and brother for Iran.
Iran and Iraq enjoy very close ties in the post-Saddam era and early in September, Advisor to the Iranian Parliament Speaker Hossein Amir Abdollahian underlined that Tehran and Baghdad enjoy strategic relations.
In a related front, earlier in October, President Salih voiced his country's willingness to broaden bilateral relations with Iran in different fields, and said it is in Baghdad's best interests to have friendly and stable ties with Iran.
"Iran is a neighboring country and our interest lies in having good and stable relations with Iran,” Barham Salih told reporters during a visit to Kuwait.
Iran is currently Iraq's top trade partner, with an annual turnover standing at about $12 billion.
Foodstuff, livestock, construction materials and plastic products constitute the bulk of Iran’s exports to Iraq where Iranian vehicles and food data-x-items are a ubiquitous sight.
Iran and Iraq have also been exchanging oil through a swap deal under which crude from the Kirkuk field in northern Iraq is shipped by truck to Iran, which uses it in its refineries and delivers the same amount of oil to Iraq’s southern ports.