RNA - In a press release on Thursday, Hamas Spokesman Abdul-Latif al-Qanoua said that there would be massive popular participation in the March of Return rallies on Friday, Palinfo reported.
Qanoua affirmed that the joint operations room of the resistance factions had issued a statement warning the Israeli army of strong response if its forces committed any crime against the March of Return participants.
For more than eight months, Palestinians in the Gaza Strip have demonstrated along the fence demanding their right to return to the homes and land their families were expelled from 70 years ago. The Great March of Return rallies culminated on May 15 to mark what Palestinians refer to as the Nakba, or Catastrophe - a reference to the forced removal of 750,000 Palestinians from their homes and villages to clear the way for Israel's establishment in 1948.
Nearly 250 Palestinian protesters have been killed and more than 25,000 Palestinians injured by Israeli forces since the outbreak of the Great March of Return rallies at Gaza border in late March.
Most of the casualties occurred on May 14 when Israeli forces attacked Palestinians marking the 70th anniversary of Israel’s occupation of historical Palestine and the ensuing ethnic cleansing of half a million Palestinian refugees.