RNA - Myles Hoenig, a former Green Party candidate for Congress, made the remarks in an interview after Trump warned that the people of America would revolt if he were impeached.
"It’s hard to impeach somebody who hasn’t done anything wrong and who’s created the greatest economy in the history of our country,” Trump said during an interview with Reuters in the Oval Office of the White House on Tuesday.
“I’m not concerned, no,” he said when asked about his potential impeachment. “I think that the people would revolt if that happened.”
According to Press TV, Hoenig said that “Trump has always been able to weather criticism because he had the money to dismiss anyone who crossed him, whether by suing them or simply ignoring them.”
“This time he’s in a league far above his ability to handle anything. He’s playing softball in a World Series game and his own delusions of grandeur will be his undoing. Never being in a political tug of war, he doesn’t have a clue as to how to maneuver. He thinks he’s in command of the situation when the reality is that he’s losing his hold on his presidency. The latest encounter with both Pelosi and Schumer showed, at least in the political realm, how easily he can be manipulated. By ‘owning’ a government shutdown, he took the bait and only the very brave within his circle would dare to tell him otherwise,” he stated.
“There would certainly be a core of people that would feel outraged if Trump were to be impeached. The very idea that he’s talking about his very vocal but small army shows how concerned he really is about it, and may even be coming back to earth and facing this reality,” the analyst said.
“However, he really doesn’t have much to worry about. Impeachment can work in his favor as he will play the martyr at a level befitting a megalomaniac. Besides, impeachment worked to [Bill] Clinton’s advantage to go ahead and end his 2nd term on a high note. Also, unless fellow Republicans start to see him as a liability for the 2020 elections, he’s very unlikely to be removed and a pardon from President Pence is not out of the question as part of a grand scheme,” he noted.
“More and more people are beginning to see through Trump with his outright lies and wild imagination about himself. Most of the world community sees what kind of a buffoon he is and it’s dawning on more Americans that buyers’ remorse can be awfully painful,” the commentator concluded.