RNA – In an exclusive interview with Rasa News Agency, Mr. Abolfazl Hasanbeygi, a member of the National Security Commission of Iran’s Islamic Consultative Assembly, referred to the economic consequences of the approval and adoption of the Combating the Financing of Terrorism (CFT) bill and said, “After having encountered problems with the CFT, the Guardian Council referred it back to the Islamic Consultative Assembly. The Islamic Consultative Assembly also, having examined its problems transferred them to the National Security and Foreign Policy Commission.”
The Iranian politician continued, “In addition to this, there was a meeting between Mohammad-Javad Zarif, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and his deputies, the Minister of Information, Mohammad-Javad Azari-Jahromi, and his deputies, Abbas-Ali Kadkhodaei, the spokesman for Iran’s Guardian Council, and a number of experts from the Research Centre of the Islamic Consultative Assembly and other experts.”
He referred to the economic implications of the adoption of the CFT and said, “The CFT is an international treaty, the treaty is essentially a tool in the hands of the great powers, especially the United States, in pursuit of their hegemonic and arrogant goals. Accordingly, the Guardian Council regards parts of the treaty as contrary to the constitution and religious law.”
Emphasizing that the CFT treaty could impose heavy damage on the country’s economy, Mr. Hasanbeygi said, “The Guardian Council believes that as long as Iran doesn’t join the CFT, Americans cannot make excuses but when we become party to the treaty, they can draw up a new excuse every day and can organize various cases in the United States against the Islamic Republic, which is a trait of the United States which always seeks to benefit from strife and conflict.”
He added that in the past, some individuals shouted slogans that, if we don’t join such and such a treaty, we will put on the “black list” and argued, “Our experience proved that such claims was incorrect and were merely false claims. The Americans have no authority to put the Islamic Republic of Iran on the black list. We must stand up to their tyranny and defend the rights of the nation and national security.”
Rasa News Agency