02 December 2018 - 11:15
News ID: 441837
It is incumbent upon the United Nations and the UN Security Council to pursue Iran’s complaint against Saudi Arabia, says a commentator.
An undated photo of Iran

RNA - Tehran has written to the United Nations secretary general and the Security Council president, demanding action to counter the Saudis’ conspiracies against the security and economy of Iran.


The demand was made in a Tuesday letter, signed by Iran's deputy ambassador to the UN Es'haq Al-e Habib, to the Security Council’s president and the UN secretary general, Iran’s official news agency IRNA reported Friday.


David Yaghoubian, professor of history at the CSU San Bernardino University, told Press TV on Saturday that “it is necessary for the United Nations Security Council as well as the United Nations’ secretary general to pursue the evidence that has been [offered by Iranian representative] regarding these Saudi malign activities and its ongoing effort to destabilize the region and to as best it can attempt to weaken the Islamic Republic of Iran.”


“It is absolutely critical that the secretary general and the Security Council also look at the ties between the Israeli government, the American government and these nefarious plans for the destabilization of region and of Iran,” the professor also said.



Tags: Iran Saudi
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