RNA - The multilateral institution also had been unable to “save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, … reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, … establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, and promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom.”
One major purpose of the UN is to end wars, foster international cooperation to resolve the region’s socio-economic problems, and to promote human rights and fundamental freedoms. All this and more are yet to be the case for the long-suffering people of Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Yemen, where America’s endless wars and occupations continue apace - despite UN calls for an end.
Just like any other UN member state, the US is obliged to “refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state” (Article 1.4), and to give the UN “every assistance in any action it takes in accordance with its Charter” (Article 1.5). This includes ending the illegal war and occupation of Syria. This also includes at least a temporary ceasefire in Yemen so that international humanitarian aid can be delivered to the besieged port city of Hodeida and other areas.
Sadly, the United States and its regional allies Saudi Arabia and Israel are increasingly at odds with the ideals of the UN Charter. Their support for terrorism and sectarian conflicts are causing unprecedented humanitarian crises in the region, worsened by rising threats to start new wars with Iran, Russia and China. To that end, important international organizations and treaties are being threatened as well, by unilateral withdrawals, illegal blockades and sanctions, trade wars, virtual vetoes and threats of worse.
As a consequence, multilateralism - international law - is under attack from many different directions precisely when the volatile region needs it most. Ironically, the ongoing undermining of multilateralism and international law, especially with the rise of Trump’s ‘America first policy’ has gained new momentum as backlashes to globalization and its pitfalls have spread from developing countries to transition economies and declining industrial powers.
Which is to say, the US is paving the way for an uncertain future – and riskier environments around the region and the world. Little wonder no one cares for Palestinians in Gaza, or Yemenis, or Syrians. These humanitarian crises evoke only muted reaction from the world bodies: The motions for Gaza or Yemen at the UN were stifled by the US veto. The silence and complicity in the Arab world is deafening. The Istanbul meeting of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation was more rhetoric than any real action on the ground.
At this point, Iran, Russia, China and many other countries are opposed to Washington’s unilateral policies, even many EU member states, which is good news. Even United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is on board.
Apart from the climate front and trade wars, these governments across the world have also been criticizing the Trump administration for withdrawing the US from the Iran nuclear deal and for threatening to punish foreign governments that don't cut trade ties with Iran. The US' major trade partners, such as China, the European Union, Japan and Canada, have been resisting Trump's tariff wars that are threatening the global trading system and global economic growth as well.
According to Fars News Agancy, the list goes on, but it is never enough. Global resistance against Washington’s unilateralism will go nowhere without firm actions and policies. The world needs to stand up against Washington’s bullying tactics not in word but through action. In the end, the same rules at the UN must apply for the big, middle-sized and small countries.
Here, many member states feel that the biggest threat to the global order is not rogue states, but the dominance of America - hence the need to shackle it with treaties and multilateral organizations. With the United States intent on continuing with its destructive unilateralism and one-man foreign policy, the international civil society needs to strengthen multilateral cooperation at the UN - the highest-profile platform for dialogue between the continents.
The discussions should be focused on the theme of multilateralism and international law and how to strengthen them through all-inclusive policies and actions. The world community should look to work together to prevent the regional AND global peace and security from being undermined by the unruly actions of isolationist Washington and a handful of partners - based upon the principles of multilateralism and of international law. There is no other way to reinforce a badly bruised multilateralism.